Monday, 14th September 80 Rupee-1 Pound
Nothing can prepare you for the sight from the plane when coming into land,slum central, right up to the runway. Made the quick decision to head straight south on the night train so booked our tickets and headed straight to the train station. Whilst bumbling with trying to get our bags into storage for a few hours we met Jack and Kristina two Ozzie's trying to do the same. We were all booked on the same train to Goa at 11. Once we'd dumped our big bags we shared a taxi to Colomba in the South of Mumbai, we did the touristy Gates of India and the Taj Palace, we then made a swift exit to a little bar near by where i later left my new fleece(first of many items to go missing I'm sure), and then headed to Leopolds now also famous for the attacks last year and still with bullet holes around the room which you can't help but have a think about what it must have been like. Taxi to the night train followed more than enough beers and Tom and I waved the others off to 2nd class while we headed to our not so 1st class sleeper carriage for the 11 hour journey to Goa.
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