Monday, 21st June
Slept all but an hour of the 12 hour journey, straight to a decent hostel and out to explore, bit tricky as we both seem to have achy legs. Found the famous Prison (Carcel de San Pedro) in Plaza Sucre and some dodgey bloke who was 'in there for 8 years', said he could get us in for £80 and a copy of our passports-we smiled and think we'll ask around. Took it easy for the rest of the day wathing Chile win the football and updating the blog. Public holiday so not much open, everywhere we go in South America seems to have non stop public holidays!
Tuesday, 22nd June
Had a look around the nicer part of the city centre, Plaza San Francisco and church and bell tower. Got a bit of a surprise when we walked past a schoolwhen 2 people dressed as zebras stepped out into the traffic and stopped it to let people cross, very bizaar. Had the perfect latte in a cafe under the ball tower, lots of layers of coffee goodness.
Wednesday, 23rd June
Went to an inner city park to get a view over the city, still suffering from the altitude feel shattered walking anywhere. The views around the city and up around the surrounding mountains show all the houses built on every last inch of hillside. Next stop was the Plaza Murillo, a really nice part of the city, with Cathedral, palaces and guards in traditional 19th Century uniforms who weren't as serious as the London Beffeaters but still very stern looking.
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