Geoff, Jade & Goody's Eurotrip
Hey subscribers,
Well, well ,well. What can i say about Holland. I can start by saying we had an awesome 2 weeks and were very much looked after, and once again thankyou to everyone for making us feel so welcome, it was terrific.
Especially Aunty Ink and Oma Cas for making us feel very much at home (and putting up with us. Im sure they will miss our company, although Oma Cas will be glad to be able to talk without having to tell Jade to be quiet (does that seem like Jade????).
During our time in Holland we experienced and did so much. We visited windmills, cheese factories, traditional old Dutch towns (Volendam), saw Holland on a 1:25 scale at Mini-Holland (Maduradam), riding around on bicycles (and nearly being cleaned up by bycicles), driving around the countryside, spending afternoons lounging on the beach, partying on weekends (thanks to Wayne and Michelle for taking us out, we are really not that crazy!) spending an afternoon in a 'cafe', walking around the red-light district, doing a tour of the Heiniken brewery, watching the Wallaby's play at the local rugby club, go-carting and drinking so so many of Hollands finest Heineken's (we can't be blammed at AUD$12 a slab, although having 1 alcohol free day in a month surely can't be great for the liver).
I had a great birthday, i shared it with one of my relatives, he turned 13 though. It was really good getting sms's and messages on the message board, we really like hraing from everyone so keep them coming.
We did have some good nights out too. All 3 of us had a fair share of getting very, very drunk. Mine was our first friday night after polishing off a slab between Jarrod and i we went to a beach party and sculled vodka and lemonades.
Jade's was on my birthday where she got really smashed after having a crack at poliching off a bottle of Bicardi, she felt the effects afterwoods driving the porcelin bus. She also was crook after 2 goes of the bob marle special (very, very funny), she was also crook after going out on a sat night and spewed in a taxi on the way home - Jade spent some time being ill!!! (dont feel sorry for her it was all alcohol induced!!)
The best though was Jarrod's. Once again after polishing off the best part of a case between us, a bottle of some cheap nasty grog (in true back-packers style) and many more beers at someones house, Jarrod thought he would give Jansen a call. Not realising what he was doing, he picked up his mobile and rang Jansen (Holland to Melbourne) and spoke to him for 10 minutes. (Wait there's more) We headed out after this where Jarrod felt sick in the taxi, threw up in the taxi on the way to the pub, got us kicked out and unlike in Australia, if you get kicked out in a taxi in Holland you still have to pay!!!
In return Jarrod and i thought the taxi driver should cop 2 white aussie behinds for his efforts, so we mooned him on the way past. He wasnt exactly impressed slamming on the breaks (nearly hit us) and got out to chase us.
For interest sakes, Jarrod didnt have a clue of any of these incidents the next day!!! He wasnt exactly impressed with the making a 10 min (and probable 30 dollar) phone call and not rememebring what he spoke about!
So many memories.
Well thats about it for Holland, we had an awesome time and would really like to head back before we go to London.
There will definately be more photos up shortly, and a rundown on Hamburg and Demark.
Till next time, keep in touch!!!
P.S. Jarrod spent 100 Euros to get those two photo's!!!
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