Emily's Trip
hey everyone!
been a while since i've written an entry... sorry about that its just that i've been very busy with boring stuff you guys wouldn't want to know lol and nothing of major interest has happened!
today however was my last ever day at cotlands!!! :o( really sad... am gonna miss all those kids soooo much - they're all just soo cute and lovely and grow on you so much!!! i took rather a lot of illegal photos today and on tuesday so theres a rather large selection for you to look through now! CHECK IT OUT TODAY she advertises ;o)
gemma was really really ill today and wasn't able to make it for the first time in the whole time here and was really gutted which i can understand - i wasn't able to go to my little angels final day as i had to sort out all sorts of trip stuff which granted needed to be done but it was a darn shame! i took as many pics as i could for her and collected her reference as well as mine... was really sweet - they'd put a picture in the envelope with the reference of me with two of the kids and in gems one of her with 2 kids, was very sweet of them. there was also an article which was written about one of the kids who was temporarily at cotlands while we were there and we were keen to have a copy and this woman who'd got the paper before looked round her WHOLE house for us to find it and gave it to us... was a really really sweet gesture! everyone was soooo sweet and has been for the whole time we've been there!
well as you guys may or may not be aware tomorrow (sat) is my last EVER day in stellenbosch - now that is very very very scary!!!!! i leave to go to my tour on sunday morning very early so tomorrow will be a boring and scary day trying to pack up aaaaaall of my stuff in a vaguely useful order as to what should go on the top and what on the bottom etc etc... a tough task: i had enough trouble trying to get it all in in the first place and that was with two parents and a sister yanking on the toggles to get it all shoved in and buckled up! i'll give it one thing. this adventure is sure going to improve my packing, backpacking, organising (providing i have worked it out right which could still be a problem lol) and travelling knowledge!
today at cotlands was quite emotional... i didn't start bursting into tears or anything lol don't worry but it was just like i'm never gonna be able to watch daniel giggle at himself hiccupping, jeany smiling when you spin her around like an aeroplane, nadine screw up her face and chuckle when i make silly noises, kaylene laugh when i hold her up and then let her stand on her own (which she cant do yet) letting her drop and catching her just at the end, subashli just waddle around and grin his huge toothless grin at you, tambo give the cheekiest face and chuckle when you tickle him, emmeline and selina jump on you, carlito sit and look confused and fat lol, elrich also look confused and squeal like a piglet, sahke walk and run in the FUNNIEST way ever - bum out legs to the side pointing out and waddle!, ronald crawling everywhere, sinoxolo being really cheeky now she's better, inan eat louder than you've heard anything in the world, asiphe puke (happened a lot), onako be a brat and make noise *wont miss that so much i have to say*, baby twaku having the hugest eyes that are still too big for her face cos she was prem, esethu who hits and then puts on his angel face, zukanye who hits and doesn't put on his angel face, and the others i could go on about!!!!
yeh so basically that's cotlands... or what i'm gonna say now anyway because i need to start packing up my life over the last 2.5 months!!!!!!
check out the new cotlands pics and there are now also some (very few but they are there) of cape of good hope which are the pics i took on lauras camera when my battery died and just a couple more here and there in the different albums so check them out
i wont have definite access to a computer or internet while i'm on my nomad trip. probably will on the garden route bit but from the 14th to the 26th i wouldn't count on any journals as i don't know what the facilities are going to be in the hostels/lodges. if there is by any chance a internet access point i'll get there and write a quick update so keep your eyes peeled. i do know for sure that there wont be any pics until i get home to england as i wont be able to download them but before the 10th you will have s***loads!!!!
lots of love to you all
will miss you all lots over the next 2 weeks... do keep emailing and posting messages to let me know how you've all been getting on!!!!
talk soon-ish
emily xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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