Emily's Trip
so only a short drive later and we were in zimbabwe and because the 'currency' there (even though technically they dont have one) is so small literally i changed US$20 and got $6 million back! :oD even though these were zim notes we were talking bout i still had loads and could say i have 6 million dollars... that was fun!
so i'll scoot around the boring bits... we got there checked into this nice place etc etc and everything was all well and good! so next morning - the adrenaline!
rafting wasnt recommended at this time of year and the other thing that grabbed my attention was the gorge swing! this infact involved three things which i shall take you through individually!...
the flying fox: this was the least scary and what it involved was being harnessed up (OBVIOUSLY lol) and it was this tight wire which was sort of like a lying down zip wire... there was a 'run way' which you literally sprinted down as fast as you could and then ran straight off the edge in a flying position!... the view was insane, could see the spray from the falls and this massive gorge and the river another side and wow was just pretty darn cool! so i did that 2 times
the foofie slide (dont ask about the name cos i dont know!): this is where the adrenaline comes in to play! this is simply a wire which goes down into the gorge and your strapped to it in the typical way like a harness to a zip wire which to be honest is what it is but with this i went at 160km/hr!!!! no exaggeration!!!!!!! was sooooo scary but totally cool!!!!! you just felt like you were zooming into the wall opposite - of course you stopped way short but woah what a feeling:
the real test
the gorge swing its self: i could chose to go frontwards, backwards or from a handstand position - straight away i said NO WAY to the handstand but really sillyly i said i'd go backwards... so i was harnessed up and the guy said to me walk backwards and further and further... i could see nothing below except lots and lots and lots of air and rock and water and a plank i was standing on that didnt look sturdy as i could see through it! i was pissing myself i was sooo terrified! he got me to stand on the edge with my heels over - that was nasty enough, then he just said lean back and i went WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!! but i did and past a certain stage there was no going back! and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! i freefalled about 95 metres (which isnt much i know but feels like a lot!) where you do not feel anything except you falling and falling and i was spinning away and then suddenly wooosh your swept away into this swing! i cant describe it properly but lets put it this way - i was told that i screamed ALL the way through and the guy who was bringing the next group of people said he could here me from 1km away!!! :oS lol
so yeh that was the main event of vic falls lol! we had another nice show on the last night as we had got in botswana and namibia as well and then the long drive back!
was a wicked day and a bit!!!
cant wait to see you all
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