Emily's Trip
hey everybody...
really this time just to say that if you want there are now some photo's of our monday (cultural day) in CT. none are particularly good i must admit but they get the point across i think, well hope!
again nothing much to report today... havent really done much this weekend, i've really gotta shake off this south african 'bug' that seems to be plagueing everyone on and off, was in bed from 2 yesterday for 20 hours: never done that in my life!!!
went to book my nomad tour today but they were shut darn it so i'm gonna run along tomorra after lectures and then hopefully all being well i should be booked to fly out of here for a while - ooo scary lol!
i wont blabber on too much but basically yeh just to say there are those extra photo's if you wanna check them out!
not having much to pass on this end i really would like to hear some of whats happening down at the "normality end"
hope your all well
missing you all lots
emily xxxxxxx
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