The title of this blog will be explained below, as eventful probably isn't the word, to me it was much worse!..
Lets start with the good :)
Friday I have PE with P3 and P4, so I took them to the field for a game of football. The boys dominated but after a chat with them, the girls took part and were brilliant. It was great run out for everyone and not only was it a game of football but they were learning about life without knowing it. The boys, for being on 8-10 years old are very serious about the game and get very annoyed a pass goes wrong or a goal is conceeded. I had to talk to them about encouraging eachother, fair play and areas along those lines and by the time the bell was rung for break, everyone was getting along nicely, passing the ball, clapping eachother - My mission was complete and so was the suns mission of beaming down on this redhead, yep I was pink after :)
Going to my lesson in P2 I went into Nursery Class to get the blackboard ruler only to find (I cant spell his African name so lets call him H) only to find H fitting on the floor.
It was like he was having a seizure. He would shake, then stop with his pupils darting everywhere and I was clapping, waving in his face and he didn't even flinch. He would then start chocking, stopping his breathing and be fine. Then again next moment, he's bitting his tongue, so I put the end of his spoon in his mouth, trying to stop the bitting.
Everyone around me were talking in Lugandan, which was making matters worse as they wouldn't communicate with me and all I wanted to do was take him to the hospital. As I'm not going to lie, I thought he was going to die in my arms!
Madam Alisah came in clearly upset and tried to drag H away but his body was so limp, he flopped everywhere and was chocking on his saliva and blood. I got him back on the foam mattress, for then his mother to come in crying.
You see stuff like this on Comic Relief, mothers holding their children, rocking them and crying but for me to there in that kind of situation it was heart breaking!
The delay of the boy being in the classroom was because they waiting for the mother, so they caught a boda to a clinic for First Aid. It's crazy, no ambulance but a motorbike.
No-one understood why I was upset, they were just so calm and I really wanted to speak to someone. I text mum only for it to fail 3 times! I think it was fate, I needed to deal with the situation alone. So I did, I went home at lunchtime, not wanting Posho and Beans, and I cried. I sat there and cried! I drank tea and ate bread, returning to school within the hour and all was back to normal.
Jane and me went to the mothers home in the evening and she said the First Aid at the clinic didn't work, so they took him to hospital and he is now stable. Phew!
Apparently H has malaria which caused it but others are saying it's the devil inside him...
Now for the second part of this eventful day..
I was in bed and heard a lady screaming, unfortunatly you hear screams here and there, so I drifted back to sleep only for my phone to ring at 3am, it was the Headmaster.
"Emma, Madam Samalie rang me. There are things on your door, go outside"
"What things"
"This is the Headmaster of Bulenga Modern Primary School, Emma, do not go outside"
I dropped the phone as I was shaking, I didn't know what he was saying and I kept hearing different words. I ran over and turned the light on, my heart racing.
Ring... "Emma there are thiefs outside, do not go out. Ring Mr Sentoogo, get everyone up"
I then realised I had no credit, so was knocking on the wall, calling Jane.
She went outside, where I heard Madam Samalie saying that people had tried to break in. It was her who had screamed. She was in bed and she saw their arm through the door and even upon seeing her they still tried to break in. She said there were 3 of them with sticks, arghhh!
I stayed inside the house until everyone was up and outside, so I joined. My curtain had been pulled down in the living room, so they had had a look in and luckily I hadn't left anything out, so they moved on.
Madam Gertrude said she could still hear them outside so next thing Mr Sentoogo appears with a machete and is sharpening it on the wall. OH MY GOODNESS!!
I was really shaken up, feeling like a target for being white and was therefore worried for others safety in the compound but Jane said it was because Mr Omen had left. Mr Omen was a ex-rebel solider and well people wouldn't mess with him, especially as he slept in the house next to the gate, so word got around that he'd left and they tried they luck. And well we were very lucky!
We all stayed outside for a good hour plus and Jane said I could sleep in her house (Vic was delayed and didn't get back yesterday) but I didn't want to leave the house, so Harriet of 13years, my hero, came and slept in Vics bed with me. My body was so alert, I just couldn't settle back down to sleep and was up until the last time I checked my clock at 5:20am.
Well I was up again at 6:30am to get ready for Sanyu so tonight I'm having an early one that's for sure.
I'm off to buy another padlock for inside the door, as Mr Sentoogo said they could cut the outside one, but not the inside. And I'm buying a padlock for the main gate too and everyone will have a key then.
I might seem dramatic but I'm not sure how things roll in Uganda. Are they violent thiefs or petty, trying their luck. Lets just say, my heart is racing whilst writing this!
BUT I am fine now, so no need to worry :D
I went to Sanyu today, after being away for the holidays. The ladies asked me if I was lost, as I hadn't been around. It was great being back and seeing everyone :)
So Vic is actually back tonight, I've got alot to tell her :)
Until next time, all my love x x x
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