By now my cold has slowly transformed into some kind of mutant strain that means i cant breathe dying slowly!! And they called me dramatic?!
Started driving inland today and wanted to make it to Canberra early so we could do some sightseeing! We drove there via Queanbeyan!! What an ace name for a town, it was brilliant, not much there though! Went to Canberra and booked a tent site at Canberra Motor Village, what an experience...first the ground was too soft to get the pgs to stay in, it was like sand, so we hauled it up a hill and then the ground was too hard...grrrrr. We ended up finding a tiny patc of grass and stuck it there, but this was after many tantrums (mostly mine - i did attack the tent at one point).
Decided that we couldn't come to Canberra without at least dropping in to see Kevin Rudd, surely he'd be expecting us? So we strolled (navigated haphazardly through Canberras ridiculous road system) to parliment house and had a meander around. Saw the rooms where senate and Kev sit and strolled around all of these paintings, it was pretty cool. Then went bowling in a small town nearby called Belconnen. For $19 we got dinner, two games and fooled about on the arcades winning thousands of temporary tattoos and other useless things like kazoos!
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