Left Jervis Bay and vowed never to stay in a National Park again, the cold showers in the morning were too much for us, we're not very good at camping!! I managed to drop my pillow somewhere between our tent site and the car so now a kangaroo is probably sleeping on it!!
Got on the road again and headed down the coast. Stopped off at Long Beach for another swim - im a natural - and went down to Batemans Bay. The weather was still a bit miserable and I've caught a cold (camping doesnt agree with me, but im still smiling). We cmaped up in this holiday park called Big4 or something? It was amazing, a family place really, but it had a tv room, so we could watch neighbours and a pool. it was perfect! We watched the sunset over the bay and took a few snaps! Even managed to coax the gas stove to cook us some soup!!
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