(19 January)
Such an awesome day! Was up early to go on my great barrier reef tour! I did the Ocean Freedom one and it was really good. We went out to a bit of the reef and snorkelled for an hour or so, which was pretty class, although the visibility wasn't as good as other places I'd done it! After that I was exhausted haha, went back for a break and it was time for our introductory dive! I was terrified, actually nearly turned round and refused to do it when I had to jump in! But I went for it thank god! It was so cool, I did almost freak out a few times but got through it! Was really weird going down because your ears pop every metre or so but it was grand. We had an instructor between two people, so we were basically pulled around by him and he pointed out all the cool things and what we could touch and stuff! We saw a few Nemos swimming about in anemones! It was actually amazing! The coral was really pretty too! I don't think I'm totally converted - I'm not going to do a padi course any time soon, but it was amazing to go down with someone holding your hand lol!
After that we had lunch which was awesome, they really do feed you stupidly well on tours in Australia. I had met a few Irish girls who were really nice and we had a beer chilling out on the top deck! Then we got to a coral cay on the boat, which was awesome, it was really shallow so you were swimming just like 3m above everything and it was really cool! There was also a bit where the sand was so high you could stand...really weird to just be standing in the middle of the ocean lol! Really enjoyed it though! On the way home chatted to a couple from Coventry who were really nice! Had loads of food on the way back, fruit then cheese and crackers and then cake! Seriously epic.
I was on such a high after diving and stuff I was buzzing that night! Went to get Scott's number off Facebook so I could find him, and it turned out he was staying at gilligans. I went with guns to PJ O'Brien's - a place with pretty cheap meals - because she wanted a steak, then headed to meet Scott at gilligans! He had met a girl called Cara at the airport from Glasgow and she was really nice! We chatted for a bit then I went to find Gunilla to have a few drinks upstairs because we were planning a night out for our last night! Turned out that the German girls were in bed though, so we had a few drinks and then Scott and Cara joined us. I got really tired though all of a sudden, possibly from the early start and doing loads all day lol, and ended up going for a nap when they went downstairs to see the others, thinking I would join them in an hour...and slept through the night haha. Fail, but oh well, had a really great day!
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