My flight arrived in at 4am this morning which wasn't the best craic, but I just slept at the airport for a few hours and it wasn't too bad! Got a free transfer to my hostel at 9, but couldn't check in, so went in search of food and had a wander around town! It's quite nice, but not like a normal city lol, seriously backpacker orientated, lots of food deals and travel shops everywhere! Was a little overwhelming! There isn't actually a beach but they have "the lagoon" which is basically a huge swimming pool which is pretty nice! When I got a bit bored of walking around I stopped at a library haha, and ended up having a wee look at guidebooks to try and figure out a bit more about where there is to go in australia haha!
I went back to check in to the hostel at 2, and it is pretty cool, almost like a hotel! Huge, with big kitchens, a bar/club, a big's pretty awesome. Really clean as well which is always good. I am staying in an 8 bed dorm, first off met a girl called Rachel from Wales and Gunilla from Sweden who were really nice. After I'd had a shower and stuff I went with Gunilla to get some sushi (cheated a bit and got a chicken one haha but it was really good! Think I'll graduate to fish next time...) and chilled out by the lagoon for a bit! Then we headed back to the hostel and chilled out by the pool, met Rachel again and a welsh guy called Tom and a Canadian...who's name I forget! They were all really nice. The hostel offers free dinner, although it isn;t the most impressive haha, had "chilli con carne"...not quite sure how you can go wrong with that but they managed it, had really stingy portions too but free food is free food!
After dinner we went up to Tom and the canadian guy's room for a few drinks, and met their roommates - two australians and a german guy. The australians were actually crazy haha, completely mad. Also brought two german girls from our room who are really nice, called Christina and Laura I think...Good night though, had my first "goon" experience - it's stupidly cheap wine that is like $12 for 4 litres...mental. The others went out later on but I just headed to bed because I was shattered from my really long day and no sleep haha! Good night though!
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