So after all the fun of the whitsundays it was off to magnetic island on tuesday morning. The oz experience bus driver was some annoying rude aussie woman, how she got a job only god knows. So after 3 hours of traveling we arrived on magnetic island, named so because captain cooks compass went haywire when he passed it. I stayed at base for the 3 nights that I was there, along with the ants that had invaded the kitchen on site. First night was pretty poor and things was not looking good, especially with the knowledge that I had to stay there for 3 nights due to the "hop on hop off" oz bus being full up. So day 2 on the island I headed out to horseshoe bay for a spot of sunbathing on the beach, followed by a trip to the near by koala sanctory. The koala sanctory was really good as I saw 2 koalas, Got to hold a python snake and baby crocadile. Along with seeing the lizards and cockatoos. On my arrival back at base I met two new arrivals in my dorm, gary and loriane from ireland. This proved to be a stroke of luck as we spend the night drinking, and the following day together as we chipped in to hirer a moke. A moke is a type of car, well just about anyway. So we explored the island, doing the fort walk which included seeing a wild koala. Followed by lunch and the seeing some wild rock wallabies. With the day done that just left the evening before my departure the next morning. Quite sad to leave really, just as you get to know people you have to move on. Still I had to get upto cairns and dive that reef.
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