I landed at Alice Springs airport shortly after 2pm on the monday and caught the shuttle to the hostel. After checking in and dropping my bags it was off to see want alice springs had to offer, not much as it turned out. On the advice of the hostel I visited the flying doctors museum\call station in alice springs, now I know it is really important and saves houndreds of lives a year but it is as boring as hell. So with that done I looked though the few shops they had before walking up some hill for a view of alice at sunset. All that was left of my day was dinner before an early night as the uluru tour left at 6 in the morning. So pick up was at 6am on the tuesday and we set off on a 5 hour drive to uluru. After a break for lunch at our camp site it was off to uluru. On arrival we was told that the aboriganals prefered it if we walked around the rock and not climb it. So after a short guide of part of the rock we was left to finnish the walk on our own before meet up with the coach, where we was to be driven to the spot to see sunset over the rock. Sunset was not as good as we had all imagined but nice to say that I've see it anyway. Back at camp we set up for the night, bbq for dinner before a few drinks around the camp fire. Then it was off to bed in the swags so we could sleep under the stars. Day 2 of the tour was early again as we had to be at the rock to see sun rise which was a lot better than sunset. Then off to a culture centre which looked rather boring so me and someone i met decided to go to the cafe for a hot drink instead, before a 1 hour trek up some other rock. The rest of the day was filled with lunch then a long drive to camp near kings canyon. With the evening being more or less the same as the last one. Day 3 was a 7am start so a little better, before we did the 3 hour walk around kings canyon. Although it could have been done in 2 if the guide had not kept on stopping for rest breaks. Anyway that was about it for the 3 day uluru tour as after kings canyon it was lunch and the long drive back to alice springs. We all meet up for a meal and a few drinks that evening before going our separate ways. So that was australia done for me all was left was the two flights on the friday to auckland in new zealand. Aus done in 36 days, not bad really.
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