Hello all. I am just about to leave melbourne after 5 super days here, i've not got my cable to get my photos up with me so I do it in two parts with this part about the first 3 and a half days on the australia mcguire course that I have just completed. I landed very early on thursday morning in sydney then transfered onto another flight to melbourne. I am getting quite used to all this flying stuff now. I arrived in the hotel about 10.30am. Thursday was the usual checklist drilling althou unlike us in UK south whom I found out from the man him self Dave Mcguire have a 84% success rate, pretty darn good I think, most of there grads dont know the checklist. So this helped to make me look bloody good, along with shaun scoltock also from uk south. So by friday morning I was on the inside line, where I belong as i'm sure all my mcguire mates will agree! They intruduced DD just before we went for contacts after lunch, and off we went. I was origanally in a group of 4, consisting of 2 aussie grads, me and 1 new student. After deciding that it would be better if we split into two's I did the usual 100 contacts with the new student watching me. So back in the room that evening the new students said what they grad had done, well me and shaun did 100 and 117 contacts each on to discover that very few other grads had made or got near to the 100 mark. One guy apparently did 40 then some shopping, leaving me and shaun rather stunned. Still saturday came and after the harrison workshops came the contacts with new students of which my student did struggle, but they all did the public speaking. They use a mic down here, although I did not need it. All you got to do is project your voice, how hard is that! Saturday finnished up about 9pm, giving us some time to hit the bar again. Then sunday the usual sunday on a course ending with leaving speaches. The aussies were all very nice, if a little relax with the course. All this after I was warned how strong they were. Still i think that between myself and shaun we did the uk south mcguire programme proud. Installment 2 of melbourne to follow with photos.
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