New Zealand so far. I landed late on friday night and got to the hostel in auckland about 1am, so had a few hours sleep before getting up for the kiwi experience bus the following morning. So we set of from auckland stopping at the top of a dormot volcano which auckland is built around, giving us all a great view of the city. Then it was back on the bus towards mercury bay, where we were staying for one night. After stopping for lunch and a visit to a beach where hot water can be found due to the themal stuff that goes on down here, we arrived at our hostel. After dropping our bags in the room it was dinner then off to the pub to watch the all blacks vs ireland. As it turned out it was quite a late night with everyone on the bus getting to know each other. Next morning we departed at 7.30am for rotorua, on the most twisty turning road built probaly which is not good after a heavy night on the town. We got in about 2pm giving us time to check in before doing our activitys that we had signed up for. Zorbing which is going down a hill in a giant ball with some water in it was first up, along with lee and scott two northern lads. Then we headed off to the luge, which is a type of go-kart which slides down the track built going down the hill there. We were back at the hostel at 5.30 giving us about 1 hour before leaving for the maori culture night. The culture night was maori warriors putting on a display then a meal cooked the traditional way in the ground making use of the thermal activity which is very strong there, which also means the whole town has a sulphur smell about it. After a good night it was back to the pub for one drink before packing before leaving early in the morning for our next place.
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