We are back at Katherine again on our slow journey back home.We stayed at a small caravan park at Douglas Daly which is about 40 kms from the Stuart Highway on the Daly River,it has some lovely springs in the park but we were not game to go into them as there were signs up saying that there were crocodiles in the river.
Apparently there are somer beautiful hot springs about 8kms from the caravan park that you can actually camp at but they were closed at the moment and nobody seemed to know when they were going to be opened.(they think it had something to do with the aboriginal owners,and not because there were crocs in there)
I didn't like it at this park as there were snakes there,there were 2 pythons about 3mtrs long which would come into the bar for a drink then they would slither back to their hole,and when I went to the toilet at night a lady that was there said to me to use my torch as 2 snakes had just gone past her as she had gone into the toilet.Well that was enough for me,I held on all night and I threatened Bruce that if I had to go he would have to carry me as there was no way I was going back out there in the dark.
There were lots of army truck on the highway heading south,so they must be doing manouvers down this way,we even saw a couple of armoured vehicles that looked like tanks with all the camouflage material on them scooting along at great speed,one of them even had a soldier sitting with his head out the top holding what looked like a machine gun in his hand.(quite funny)
The weather is still around the 30 degree mark every day,and drops down to around 16 overnight so we are definitely not looking forward to heading back south to the cold weather.
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