On My Way to Bjerringbro
Hey everyone, I'm on my way to Bjerringbro for intro camp for a week and I was able to get on the internet so I thought since I'm on a train for 4 hours I would write. So theres not a whole lot to fill you in on.
Last week, Wednesday the 12th toFriday the 14th, I had language school and that's pretty much all I did so theres not much to say about that.
On Saturday Claes and Liselotte had their 50th birthday party. That was a really hard day for me. I woke up not feeling the best and then there were so many people that it was just so overwhelming and hard because everyone was speaking Danish and I couldn't understand anything. It was the first hard day I've had but it was ok because its made me want learn Danish even more.
On Saturday I didn't really do much. I woke up late and went to a rotary meeting for a few hours then came home and did NOTHING!!!! It was a very relaxing day.
The week of 17th-21st I had languge school again. Not much I can say about that. Monday I went shopping. Tuesday I went to Nyhavn. Wednesday I went to a Rosenburg Slots. Thursday I went to Tivoli with Rebeca and then we went to my house and made cheesecake. Friday I went to see harry Potter with my family and then went to a Dance club with Rebecca
and slept at her house. Saturday we went to Fredriksborg Slots with my host parents, and had supper with Rebeca's parents.
That leads us to today. I woke up early and now I'm on a train with like 50 exchange students heading to Bjerringbro. So I better go and socialize but I'll try to write again soon.
<3 you all!!!!
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