Lucky Unlucky Break in Rubyvale Qld: Wed 11 July 2012
Our last day in little Rubyvale and a great tent pack up with no wind and no rain, only cloudy skies. Queensland is having record unexpected rainfalls, so the idea of going north for winter warmth is a bit of a dream at the moment. After our pack up, we rode our bikes and trailer over to our flash little cabin in the same caravan park; We had pre-booked it for tonight, so we could get an early start to Longreach the next day, nearly 400km away, without having to pack up a tent etc. Sheer luxury! Our own bathroom and kitchen and a big QS bed. And a TV!
Just as well Dave did a double-check of my topbox this morning….it looked a bit shaky and a closer inspection revealed a snapped in half bracket holding it on, with rust showing, and the other side ready to snap. Obviously a weak point of the system, and our bumpy roads the past 5 months have not helped it. I'm so relieved this was noticed before we rode off….a flying topbox could have caused a bit of damage! Clever Dave came up with a way to solve the problem…the great little general store over the road has everything in stock, including tie down straps, so now my topbox is to travel on top of the esky area on the trailer, securely strapped down, till we eventually get back to Perth. Hopefully son Alistair could then come up with a better stronger welding on the base brackets!
The fix-it repairs took a fair bit of time, so just as well we had decided to book a cabin for tonight. We are finding you have to book cabins ahead as they are always busy with tourists here.
After a pie for lunch we went to Bobby Dazzler mine to see an underground tourist mine tour; interesting to see how the sapphires were found above a river bed system underground.
I have been interested in looking for a bargain priced light coloured sapphire gemstone, and have scoured all the little gem shops and dealers in the district of Sapphire and Rubyvale. A couple of days ago I tried to haggle down a price but no, the dealer wouldn't budge because he said it was a very good price in the first place. It was a lovely oval yellowish sapphire with flashes of light green. So today, after looking at more gemstones and nearly driving myself nuts (nuttier?!) I decided to go back to the first stone I had wanted to buy, and yes, it is a very good bargain and a very nice sapphire. So I bought it for the $80 asking price. Some of the stones around are selling for heaps more, but I feel the one I picked is a good gem. This will one day be set into a nice ring by myself when I learn how to in Perth. My family would understand how I have been in 7th Heaven on this sapphire gemfields region….two little towns choc a block with gem shops and small prospecting places dotted everywhere.
On a worrying note, Adrian's partner Helen is not well at all and has been in hospital. I feel so helpless being so far away, as I would like to be able to help….and I phoned Adrian and suggested he get a 2nd opinion for poor Helen, as she needs this. He will get her to King Edward Hospital I hope, as she has been diagnosed with a burst ovarian cyst and possible gallstones…not good to be sending Sophie's mummy home with pain killers! I am waiting to hear better news while I am on the road, many miles away.
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