Sunday 20 May: A day at the Sydney Maritime Museum.
A lightly rainy day, so off we went by train again to explore the Sydney Maritime Museum on Darling Harbour. As usual we took ages to browse the whole place, very interesting. I now have a new respect for sailors; a look around a battleship The Vampire made me realise how hard a sailor's life must have been, especially in war time. Film footage of tragedies at sea in war time helped this impression. I have some ancestors who were English mariners, but I don't have a seafarer's bone in my body, as I reckon a life at sea would be way too hard!
Once again we traipsed home to our tent in the dark, worn out from another big day in the city. We had to watch the hungry naughty possums as they were a bit greedy hanging around the campers kitchen tonight, as were some bandicoots.
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