Yippee free kayaks at the camp site! Darren got in okay as I was holding his kayak but as soon as I tried to get on mine in the water I went (Darren was no help as he was too busy laughing his head off as I resurfaced with sand in me knickers). Two attempts later and we're off, crashing into tree branches and the river bank as we go and going round in circles - who says you need skill to navigate a kayak? We were out for about 2 hours and some fishermen moved as we had frightened all the fish away, what a shame.
I dared Darren to try and get back on his kayak without me holding it as he thought it was really easy and just me with my poor lack of coordination. With a cocky grin and a 'sure its easy' he promptly step on the kayak and it capsized sending him straight into the cold water (no I couldn't help as I was too busy laughing at the sight of Darren spluttering and swimming to the side as his kayak made off down river without him). We then spent another half an hour trying to retrieve the awol kayak with me falling in a couple more times in deeper water and Darren peeing himself laughing.
Off we slopped to the showers to warm up, my jeans were so sandy that they went straight in the bin. Good time was had by both and best of all it was free.
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