OH MY GOD!!!!!
To all at GBA and ECM thanks for the money we used it to do this:
We went on the Swoop first - you're strapped into a sling, told to link your arms together, lifted up into the air on a crane and then told to pull your rip cord on the count of three and off you swing at 130kph towards the earth. Darren didn't like going up and I was laughing hysterically (when we can download pictures you can see the evidence for yourself as Johnny Darren says there is no way you would believe he had done it if we didn't). Pauline - Darren can now understand what you meant when you said you wouldn't do it again, but me I wanted to do it again.
Next was the Agrojet which is New Zealand's fastest jet boating experience. You go round the circuit 3 times faster and faster with really tight turns that spray bystanders with freezing cold water - brilliant.
Finally we did a Hydro Zorb which was just wet and great fun being bounced down a zigzag track in a hamster ball with enough water to get you soaked. They reckon you can stand up all the way down but we both only managed the first bend and when we hit the side fell over and just toppled around until the ball crashed into the barriers at the bottom of the course again - we are definately going to do this again and even try both of us in one ball just for a laugh.
There are free kayaks at our camp so we are going to try them tomorrow - you just know we are going to fall in.
Emma if you are reading this you have to do all these things.
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