Stopping at the Puzzle World in Wanaka and getting lost in the maze for an hour was a good way to break up the journey from Queenstown to Fox Glacier.
Some girls had advised us to do the heli-hike if we could afford it and when we arrived there were spaces on the trip that day. We had a short helicopter ride (a first for both of us) to the glacier where we were left with 2 guides for just under 3 hours to walk on the glacier wearing lovely brown boots and crampons so that we didn't fall over on the ice. The glacier was really good and we were glad that we didn't do the 7 hour walk when the guides showed us how far below us they actually reached. Stopping off at Franz Glacier the following day we had to gloat that we had been on one the day before - this really naffed off a guy who had just walked another hour further but was still a kilometre away.
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