Neil's journey
Arrived in Mu Ne yesterday, a low-key beach place. Its really relaxing to come here after Saigon. You have to get up early as it tends to rain a bit in the afternoons and evenings this time of the year, that said its a beautiful place and I'm about 20yards from a fantastic palm-tree beach.
There is absolutely nothing to do which is of course the point in coming here - the most interesting thing today was watching a cow pass by me on the beach (where he was headed no one knows) and the hotel dog (the fattest doberman I've ever seen) trying his luck with a very small stray. One paw and he's going to kill it...still it makes a change from seeing them get knocked down on the roads.
Talking of roads (and not really relevant to this place) here is a 'crossing a road in vietnam' guide - the do's and dont's idea comes from a rubbish and completely obvious book I happened to see by some smartarse english guy that thought he was the bees-knees because he was living and working in vietnam. Listen mate, they probably talk about you behind your back and pee in your food - so telling me I shouldn't 'big-up' thailand whilst in vietnam means nothing....
do edge out slowly, reminding yourself that you're not actually in a car
don't look 'edgy' - like dogs the drivers will sense danger and mow you down in an instant
do expect the mopeds to go round you
don't expect the same from a bus
do follow the route taken by 'local' pedestrians
don't feel bad about secretly hoping they will act as a human shield
do find somewhere safe to cross
don't expect to find one - the pavement, restaurants, swimming pools and the 19th floor of your hotel are all, in fact, shortcuts
do remain calm and dignified
don't expect to feel the same with a honda 'om' wedged up your arse
do observe the zebra crossing
don't think for a minute that he's having any more joy than you (oh dear......)
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