After a long drive from Fox Glacier we finally arrived at Wanaka. It was dark so not a lot we could see or do, we popped into town for a Pizza then back home for an early night. The next day we had booked a skydive, we had booked one before in Fox Glacier but due to bad weather they were not jumping. We opened the windows to a beautiful day, called the skydive company and we're on - Hurrah (we think!!). Drive down to the skydive place and the room is buzzing with people waiting to jump and people who have already jumped. We are taken to a corner to watch a breifing video and choose our altitude. We go for 15000 feet - the highest one available, then we sign our lives away on the release form and get ready for the jump. We are put into some rather fetching jump suits and meet our instructors. Clare gets Geoff, a cool rather typcial extreme sports guy. James got Henk -  a crazy "Borat" type guy hehehe. We are taken over to the plane, suprisingly neither of us are nervous, just excited. We go up in the plane, the views are amazing, can see lakes and snow capped mountains. We get to 12000ft where the two women with us are jumping. We see them get thrown out of the plane and suddenly the nerves kick in - WHAT ARE WE DOING UP HERE!?!?!?!!? We make our way up to 15000ft. Clare is first to go - shaking with nerves she is dangled off the edge of the plane - smile for the camera - yeh right!! Then whoosh - she's gone. Next up James to jump, he has to jump now if only to escape future ribbing from Clare. The jumps were amazing, difficult to describe the rush. James got to control his parachute on the way down - told you his guide was crazy!! We got the DVD's of both jumps so you can all laugh at our facial expressions. When we landed James kissed the ground and it was hugs all round - he recomends it to everyone - a quote from his DVD. A brilliant experience. That afternoon we went to Puzzling world - well not everything can be exciting as a skydive!! Was quite a cool little place with illusion rooms, such as the room on a tilt and the room where you can be a Giant or a Hobbit. We tried our hand at the 2 level maze but got VERY frustrated and even after Clare convinced Jim to cheat we still couldn't figure the damn thing out, so we jibbed and went home for a read (and another watch of our DVDs!!). Had a great time here mainly due to the Skydive, next onto Queenstown....
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