Think we found cyclone number 2!! Actually it's a little scary, lots of rain.... and wind!! And most the activities here have been cancelled!! The photo at the top is taken from our first floor balcony and was a field this morning!
I have also come up in a rash on the top half of my body, good times!
But never fear here's what we are doing! Anti-histamine, one tablet a day $20!! and we are staying in our little contained apartment tonight, watching the storm/gale/cyclone pass!! We have food, water, wine and sweeties so we are all set, and some good neighbours, and Madagascar 2: Return to Africa on the tv.
Today was our last day with Anna. This morning we headed up to Hells Gate, Tikitere and went on the mud trail walk, a 45 minute walk around the thermal lakes, pools and Kakahi Falls, the largest natural hot water falls in the southern hemisphere. This would have been lovely if the sun was out, but within 2 minutes of the walk we may as well have jumped in and out the sea, we would have been drier!! Anna sat in the cafe waiting as very sensibly she didn't want to get wet on top of flu. We did look like drowned rats but was worth the walk, some lovely smelly sulphur pools, sulphites and mud pools and the waterfall. After the walk we subjected ourselves to the mud and sulphur pool spa treatment. Here is where I discovered my rash! Not sure what caused it, but thought the mud wouldn't hurt... 20 minutes in hot mud (made much colder by the rain) followed by a cold cold shower outside, again not needed in the rain! Then into the sulphur pool, with a yellow tinge and yup you guessed it, more rain!!! Followed by a hot shower... but that rotten egg smell doesn't really come off!
Headed back to the apartment to get a dry set of clothes as Jo left Hells gate in a rather fetching pink towel sarong and I forgot underwear, as we had gone in swimwear! Then into Rotorua for lunch, a spot of shopping, managed to go to Kathmandu and get some cutlery for our upcoming treks, which we may have to cancel if the weather doesn't improve!! Back for a cup of hot chocolate and cake before taking Anna to her bus back to Auckland. :-(
Cried a little... Hate goodbyes!! And went to the Rainbow Springs wildlife park to spot some Kiwis to cheer myself up, but it was closed due to the adverse weather... I am destined not to see a Kiwi this trip.
So we succumbed to the weather and headed back to our little balcony and set ourselves up for a long wet, windy night ahead.
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