Even though Christchurch has been our base for a couple of days we had other areas as our location headers.
So we are leaving :-(
Annabelles Lodge Motel was very kind to us, helping us with times and directions to the airport, car wash, town, restaurants etc.
We had already completed most of the packing last night, so this morning just the PJs and hand luggage to get ready. Checked out, and took Lucy to the "splash and dash" car wash. And it really was like the name suggested!
First a hoover... then a slow pre-wash, jet soap, soap brush and finally rinse. You had to feed a machine with dollars and it gave you a time limit, then you dashed around each stage, depending how quick you were the more stages you could get for your money! We ended up spending $7 on the wash... Bargain! The only thing that didn't come off was a huge dragon fly stuck to the grill, lovely!
Clean and shiny we took Lucy back to Jucy Rentals where they asked if we had any accidents. We said nope, then they loaded us on the shuttle bus and shifted us off to the airport... No mention of the condition or anything - not that there was anything wrong with her, but if they are going to charge I would have liked my original agreement back!
We ended up (having been over cautious with time!) very early to Christchurch airport and when having trouble with the automatic check-in, were directed to the group check in desk where the lady asked if we would like an earlier flight to Auckland. We thought why not, and she booked us on to the 12.00 flight. What we didn't realise was that it was 11.20!! So, what was to be a nice chilled morning turned into a mad dash to check bags (self check!!) then get through the scanners before heading to the gate!!
I don't know if you heard in the UK but a few days ago here one of Air New Zealands propeller planes crash landed when it's front wheel wouldn't come out. It was supposed to fly from Nelson to Wellington (North Island) and had to divert to Blenheim (South Island). The pilot by all accounts did very well, and they had to circle a number of times to get rid of excess fuel incase of fire, and landed very securely! But it was a huge story here! Anyway, sparked a debate as to whether Air NZ should get rid of these planes due to similar incidents! Anyway, the point of the story is .... not being a fan of flying, you can imagine my dismay when all around as far as the eye could see were propeller planes!! Not really having time to think anymore about it, jumped onto the plane and was relieved when there were loads of people on board and no propellers!!
Phew! Was only 1hr 7mins to fly to Auckland, on board quiz, snack choice of BBQ crisps, Ginger-nut biscuits or sweets, with your choice of drink... Very nice! If it wasn't for sharp left bank prior to landing it would have been a lovely flight.
So, now we are sat in Auckland airport, waiting for our 11pm flight! We could have caught the bus into town but $25 each way per person seemed crazy so I am plane spotting!
One more thing - Harry: We ended up about even on the yellow mini beep beep!! We saw 10 in total, 6 of which were in Christchurch! And this was the side of the country for yellow cars :-)
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