Day 1 of Exploring Paris -
We have seen so much of Paris in one day.. Walked 15k! And yes, my poor wee feet are sore. So this morning we took a walk to the "Louvre Museum" picking up one of the main features of our diet in Paris.. A croissant. We somewhat stumbled upon the museum, well i think we did.. I have no directional sense so thank god Becca is here to help.
The Louvre - Super busy, had to wait an hour in the queue. We didn't really mind as this was an opportunity to start on the tan. It is an absolutely beautiful building but so over whelming due to its size. We chose to minimise our ambition and choose one area to run through in the short hours we had there. This of course being the section where the Mona Lisa is kept. It took a while to find her and to be honest she was kinda a let down. I did get some goosebumps when I saw the painting but that could have been nerves due to the insanely aggressive Chinese tourists determined to get a selfie with old Mona. The painting opposite was actually more impressive - "The Wedding Feast at Cana". It spanned the two story wall with colour and to be honest, made the Mona Lisa look boring. After a whistle stop tour of the rest of museum with some obligatory rude pics with some rather under blessed Italian sculptures, we aimed for the Notre Dame.
Notre Dame - Due to the heat and tired feet we stopped in a lovely cafe for some food and a well deserved beer on the way. This was about the time I realised I was burning.. Red already! Typical Scottish tourist. We then walked and walked until we reached the square. The Notre Dame is amazing! From the outside, the Gothic architecture is gorgeous. One of my favourite buildings so far! Inside is also amazing! I couldn't believe how quiet and respectful all the tourists were being due to there being so many of us. The size of the place is insane.. And also the amount of stained glass is ridiculous. Poke trying to replace that! Becca and I lit a candle and prayed for a safe journey round Europe and viewed the display of how and when each part of the building was built. From all this sightseeing, we were then super thirsty for a pint of course.
Centre Pompidou - When searching for pints, we came across the Centre Pompidou which was a building we were both keen to see. It's a museum where all services to the building are placed outside. It looks pretty mad from the outside. We walked straight up to the top to the view point and saw a beautiful view of the city! We then went to see one of the displays of modern art which consisted of a urinal signed by the artist and decided that this was pish and headed home for a lie down before our adventure tonight.
Eiffel Tower At Night - "let's walk to the Eiffel Tower" she said, "it will be fun" she said. The 5k walk there was tough but we saw a lot of the river and many parliament buildings. It was 10 o'clock by the time we arrived so it was quite quiet. We chanced getting up however the top was closed and we wanted to wait until tomorrow when we would go and see it properly. We then walked most of the dreaded 5k back until we eventually gave up and hopped in a taxi.
All in all an amazing day! I'm now officially overloaded with info I need to digest and sleep I need to catch up on.
Roll on tomorrow's adventures!
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