Smarties travels
i'm a shell, i'm a husk, i'm a fadeing outline of a human being! and i've got quite a few people to thank for that. what a birthday! i couldn't have asked for anything more. absolutely hammerd!! thank god i took the camera out because i can't remember a damn thing. i just remember having a great night. just a big thank you to all you guys, ben, dudley, big robbo, germany, jooles and loose, thanks for a fantastic birthday. and what the bloody hell was in that drink you guys got me?! by the sound of it, it started off as a margerita then someone put a tequila in it and by the end someone else (i know it was you dudley!!) had put toothpaste in it. crazy s***!! i hope, no doubt, we'll bumping into eachother again before soon and i really look forward to it. take care guys and thanks again. everybody back home, thanks for the birthday messages i just wish all you guys could be out here enjoying it with me. well better be off, i've got to try and sober up before getting on the bus to bangkok! not a chance!! cheers all. christopher.
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