What am I going to do now, I was always on your website, seeing what crazy things you were doing and where you were. But your right all good things do come to an end.... Welcome back to England! Hopefully will see you out an about! Gem. x
Hiya Chris, well it's over then!! I'm sure you have mixed feelings..... sad for it to have ended, but happy to be home and seeing everyone! I'm so pleased you did this blog, I've really enjoyed following your journey and seeing some of the amazing sights with you!
I know your Mum & Dad will be so pleased to have you back too! Safe flight home and take care!
Kelly xxx
Crazy business - You are gonna be back in the UK!! We'll see you tomorrow!!
Hey Dude!! Howz da form!!? Seems like ye had a cracking time in da Galap Isldz. Woz mad bumping in2 Nick & Laura in ´Whackochino´( don´t kno how 2 spell it r pronounce it, a bit like agnes! ;-)). Da fotography iz com´g up trumps as usual. I hope u realise, u r partially responsible for my venture 2 da Galap Isldz.
Hope ye r enjoy´g da last few weeks of yer trip!!
Keep it real!! :-)
PS. Send us a mail!! Let us kno how u r getting on :-)
Aunty June
Its me again just remembered its your birthday today HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS have a great time tonight not to much drink. Love Aunty June & Uncle Tony xx
Aunty June
Hi Chris how are you these days. Your pics look great who is the young lady, does this mean another wedding. I have been trying to get Brian married off to Lily but havent had much luck. We have gone onto broadband and as you may have noticed changed e-mail address. You take great care of yourself dont forget to let me know when the big day is Ha! Ha! Love Aunty June & uncle Tony
Happy birthday marrow! How does it feel being 28?! Pitures are looking good, it was weird today, on AOL they had the top ten holiday/travelling destinations and you've been to pretty much every one of them! The only one missing from your travels was the Grand Canyon though i'm probably putting ideas in your head now!I don't mean to make you jealous but the other day i saw a white butterfly and a German Sheppard oh and a worm in the garden whilst enjoying the breathtaking,panoramic view of the batch. The only trails i've seen recently was the one me mate left down the toilet!Give me an email sometime.
All the best, Mike.
Hey Smartypants, looks like you're still really enjoying yourself mate. Happy Birthday, and don't forget, (go girlfriend, it's your birthday) get your hair done !!! Guess that REALLY applies now mate. What's going on with the do? Nevermind mate, it's easier to cut it off than stick it back on i guess !! Just sat here bored on bloody 12hrs again, while you're there doing something mad again today i bet, liked the look of that mountain bike ride, looked well cool mate. Anyway, whatever you do make sure it's a good one mate and make sure you get some more pictures mate, speak to you laters.
Mum And Dad
Hi there Christopher,
Have a great day on your Birthday on the 13th. Eat, drink and make merry, but dont go over the top !!!
Lilly & Brian
Hello Chris,
Happy Birthday for tomorrow, hope you have a lovely day.
Don't drink too much!!
Hiya Chris, the Galapogas Islands look fantastic..... brilliant photos as ever, I especially loved the sea lion pups (soooo cute) and the penguins! Looks like you're having a busy time and seeing a lot - do you ever get time to just chill on the beach and relax?! Got back from Spain on Sunday, had a lovely week of sunbathing, eating & drinking.... just what I needed, but now it's back to the reality that is working, it really is no fun!
I'll send you a proper email, but do keep the photos coming, it's great to be able to see all the fab places you visit & what you get up to! Take care & have fun!