Smarties travels
hey guys,
kunming has been a bit of a blur!!!
after chilling out in lijiang and dali i was ready to get back to a bit of drinking. i didn't do to bad in kunming! i got absolutley wrecked for 6 days straight!
even the first night i met some really cool people at the guest house and we played pool and table tennis for ages. i've just discovered that i'm rubbish at table tennis! a few of us went out for drinks to a pub close by. the pub was pretty cool, loads of westeners, well loads more than what i'm use to seeing in a chinese bar, and the atmosphere was really good. after a few hours i was pretty smashed. i got talking to this cool american guy who was a d.j and a load of these chinese girls, one of them was wearing a traditional dress and she looked cracking! i don't know what happened to henrik, a swedish guy who came with us, but we lost him so tom and me went to a club with these chinese gilrs and this american guy who is studying in china. i really enjoyed the club. dancing around and having a good time untill this small chinese guy walked past me and pushed me out of his way, i didn't think anything of it and then this chinese guy comes back and he brings his friend who was the spitting image of odd job from james bond, next thing i know odd job has grabbed me around the back of the neck and tried dragging me off, i can only assume to give me a kicking, i shake him off and the chinese girl in the traditional dress grabs me and pulls me outside and gets into a taxi with me. in the taxi she tells me that the small chinese guy went up to her earlier on and said to her that she was really pretty and then asked what she was doing dancing with foriengers and said she should only dance with chinese. jelous p**** there wasn't even anything going on! we went back to the bar which we came from and had a few more drinks, by this time i was rocking. we got some food from a street vendor on the way back to the guest house, as we were eating our food i realise that it's getting lighter, the time was 6:20am. jesus! tom and me got back to the guest house just before 7am.
the rest of my time in kunming was very similar but without all the hassle of jelous chinese guys. i only did 3 constructive things in the 6 days i was in kunming and they were get my visa for laos, go to the stone forest and change my flights, again!! so now i'm going to be flying out of singapore to bali on the 28th of october and then flying out of bali to melbourne on the 25th of november. it's taking a bit longer than i thought to get around, but b***** it, i'm loving every minute of it!! so it's fair to say i had a great time in kunming. it helps when you met the right people so henrik, tom, helena, ziggy, dawn, tom, frit and shane, cheers! i had a wicked time!
speak to you all soon. christopher.
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