Our latest entry
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Days 32-35 - Chris - We returned to Rio to spend the last few nights of the holiday - mainly for the carnival. The hotel that we stayed in wasn't great, to be polite, but it served as a base. We spent the first day back trying to sleep in as late as possible in preparation for being out all night on Monday the 24th.
The atmosphere arounf R…
Claire Alford Still an amazing experience though. Xx
re: Day 25 - Puerto MadrynRobin It's a good job you had the Welsh add some highlight to your visit here. As for 19th century based museums... You can only take so much of them and then it's just 'same old, same old'.
re: Day 25 - Puerto MadrynYour son Wow
re: Osorno volcanoClaire Alford Sounds like you’re having a fab time as always. Xx
re: Days 18-19 - at sea including the Amalia GlacierClaire Alford Xx
re: Days 15-16 - on board Coral PrincessClaire Alford Fab
re: Day 17 - Puerto MonttClaire Alford
re: Day 12 - Santiago City tourClaire Alford Amazing. Xx
re: Puerto Iguazu, ArgentinaClaire Alford Sounds fantastic
re: Tour of RioElaine Thats looks fab. Xx
re: Relaxing by the poolRobin So you're learning some of the language. The favela means 'the plastic cup'?
re: Enjoying a caipirinha in the favela.Robin Reminds me of when we were kids. Don't remember so many ducks though.
re: The local pet shopCarl All sounds and looks amazing. Glad you are enjoying your latest adventure.
re: Tour of RioClaire Alford All sounds fab so far. Love the pic of dad in the sea lol.
re: Hitting the beach and chilling by the poolElaine That beach looks glorious. Enjoy. Xx
re: Sand art