Back in Melbourne and we headed off to the DFO shopping centre as Brid claimed she didn't have enough clothes with her, even though her bag was ready to explode at the seems. She somehow managed to fit in a couple of things so that kept her shopping fix happy for a couple of days. One of Deirdre friends who works in Melbourne Library offered to give us a tour as they had some exhibitions on at that time, we drove the rental car back into the town centre and made our way to the library, they had stuff like Ned Kelly's original armoured suit and other old stuff. Downstairs was a book launch which just happened to be handing out free food and booze so we stayed and had out fair share before heading back to the house.
Next day and Brid's cousin Patrick was coming home, he'd been in Ireland and Europe for the last 9 months so it hadn't been that long since we'd last seen him. It was also one of his friends 21st birthdays which we were invited to. We had a couple of beers at the house before catching a taxi into town, Brid got a wee bit drunk and started dancing about like a dafty, she managed to go over her ankle and thought she'd broken her foot. She was in quite allot of pain so we caught a taxi back to the house to ice it.
Next morning and her foot wasn't feeling any better so we decided to go to the hospital just to be on the safe side. There was some proper scum in the waiting room including some fat homeless guy who smelt like turds and some annoying junkie woman who demanded top be seen before everyone. Thankfully her foot wasn't broken although it does mean we can do our neighbours tour we had booked for the next day, I phoned the office and switched it to the next week. Next day we didn't do anything as Brid couldn't move so we just sat around watching TV and stuffed our faces.
Monday and in the afternoon we went to the cinema to see eagle eye which wasn't very good, for the night we'd booked the neighbour's trivia night which I was well excited about. We headed off to the elephant and wheelbarrow pub in St Kilda to have a couple of drinks before the quiz. We were told it started at 6:30 but it wasn't till 8:30 the first neighbour's folk came out. I was a bit disappointed with the line up, Steve and Miranda Parker were alright, at least they're still in the show but Conner the fatty and Jinae the Timmons mother had been out of it for ages, and then to learn that Dr Karl was in Aberdeen I was well annoyed, I came all the way over here and the bug*er has gone to Aberdeen, not chuffed. Anyway we ended up getting drunk and taking part in the hardest quiz ever, some of the questions were ridiculously hard and the winner only got 20 out of 60 questions right. We got all the usual meet and greet stuff and then Paul Robinson and his band came on to sing a few songs before the end of the night, it was this point we decided to start stalking Steve and Miranda, I tried to get them to do heaps of blue steels but Miranda wouldn't do one, so I said she wasn't a very good actress if she couldn't do it and she didn't looked chuffed, Patrick gave Steve a massage for some unknown reason as well.
Over the next few days we didn't do much, went to see Quantum of Solace and just lazed about.
Friday and we headed off to the Telstra dome to watch some A-League football, Melbourne were playing the central coast, at least you can drink beer here when watching the footy which is good, Melbourne ended up winning 2-1.
Brid's foot is slowly getting better so she decided she would test it out by going shopping, she bought loads of rubbish, again, that will never been seen. Next day and we were off on the neighbours tour. As we drove to the school we watched some old episodes on the bus, it was the one where Harold goes missing and Madge shouts HAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRROOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDD in her deep growly voice for 20mins, classic!! First stop the school which wasn't to interesting as I've never really taken much notice of it before, next of to the set which is actually tiny, we saw grease monkeys, Lou's mechanics, and lassiters. Lastly off to Ramsey Street to get some pics and then back to the shop for the cast meeting, we were pretty gutted when it turned out to be Jinae Timmons again so we did a runner up the street.
Next day and the neighbours were coming over for dinner and Brid offered to cook so the day was spent getting everything ready for the feast, couple of beers and that was it for the evening. Next couple of days nothing really happened, it was Brid's birthday so I bought her a cake and some candles. We went to the Aquarium as Brid had one free ticket she'd won at the neighbour's night. It was quite good but full of annoying school kids.
Another day we cycled down to the harbour, Melbourne has good cycling lanes so no one runs you down, that night we went off to the pub with Patrick and his friends, Brid ended up being quite drunk, and for some reason accidentally punched one of Patrick's friends in the face, but she later won him 50dollars on a horse so he forgave her. We got a weird taxi driver who gave us his life story in the 10mins it took us to get home.
Off to the DFO shopping centre again to buy some more clothes as I only had t-shirts and needed some wife beater vests, only ended up buying one as not many of the shops were selling them. Later on we went to watch Patrick's dad Brian play bowls at the bowls club, we met the biggest funniest racist in the world, she was Italian and had lived in Oz for 18years, I don't even think she realised what she was saying but it came off pretty funny. That night we went to an 80's party that was being held in a pub up the road, it turned out to be a good night, some good steak pies on the way home. Brid spotted her first big spider but it didn't hang around too long, she wasn't impressed.
We said our goodbyes to Melbourne and Brids relatives and jumped on the night bus to head up to Sydney, we'd had a great time in Melbourne and thankfully Brids' relatives had been kind enough to put us up for all the time we were there.
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