If you are ever in Vietnam and decide to do a one day Mekong delta tour... DON'T!!!! We booked a tour for 2 nights in the Mekong delta making our way across to a ferry to Phu Quoc island. It meant the first day we were on the same tour ppl from Saigon booked just for the day. It was absolutely terrible! Everything was set up for tourists and we didn't see anything really that was the usual way of life in the Mekong. We got taken in a tourist boat to an island where we went to a big building (built for tourists) where they made coconut candy (to sell to tourists) then had a randomest horse and cart ride to no where- seriously don't understand the point of it, we just went down the Main Street then back- for what?? For tourist fun apparently, they don't even use horses on the island!!!! Then they took us to a 'honey farm' and showed us one tray of bees from a bee hive (no idea where the farm was) and let us hold a giant snake if we wanted to (we didn't). then we did a ride in a small boat paddled by some locals through the coconut palms in the water, that was the most interesting part of the day! when we arrived at the next tourist building we randomly had some locals come and sing a couple of songs (including if youre happy and you know it clap your hands) and had some fruit. Then they took us to 'a beautiful island' for lunch, again a big building set up for tourists and the worse food we had eaten in Vietnam (bit of rice, piece of pork and green beans) pretty sure it was because they wanted u to order off their extra menu which had things like crocodile and elephant fish (of which they kept showing us one they had prepared earlier encouraging us to buy). The island had a crocodile farm and not much else that we got to see. Such a shame the whole day we didn't go through any 'normal' islands or villages, it was so tacky and terrible! We then went on a bus with a few others who were doing a 2 day tour to can tho. Pretty sure we stayed in a w**** house that night- a hotel used for prostitutes! We had a room at the front and I kid u not it had a red light in it and condoms on the drawer, just fabulous! We had a quick look around town and had dinner at a nice place (ended up having western food) and went to bed. Got woken up by chaos in the morning with everyone's phones ringing at least 5 times to tell us to get to breakfast (although we had been told breakfast was at 6.15 and we were leaving at 7) we started getting phone calls from 6 onwards over and over even once we had finished breakfast and had half an hour to brush our teeth! Anyway we then walked to a small boat and cruised down the river to a floating market. Finally! Some normal village life! There were about 100 boats each selling different products of fruits and vegetables. Every boat had a big bamboo pole out the front which they would put on the tip of it the fruit or veg they sold so from afar u could see what each of the boats sold. Most boats only sold one or two things but some had up to 10 different things on their bamboo pole. The most popular things seemed to be pineapple and watermelons. You had to buy a minimum of 20kg of any products, the locals filled up their smaller boats then take it to the local markets to sell. It was so interesting just to sit and watch! Our boat (like all other tourist boats) took us to one of the big boats selling pineapple where they cut us some to eat. Unfortunately ours wasn't quite ripe and very acidic so not too enjoyable! After the markets we then got taken further up the river and down a smaller stream. We got to wander through local villages, including fruit farms (finally got to see how pineapples grow- on little bushes!) and a rice paper factory. It was nice seeing the local way of life- very tough, they use the river for so much yet they can't use it for drinking its just too dirty and there is so much rubbish in it. They showed us how they add a substance made from lemonade (?!) into pots of river water to make the mud settle at the bottom, then they use it for cleaning. We then got taken back to the lovely hotel for lunch, where there were rats on the menu!! Grilled or fried with onion- lovely. I had vegetable stir fry! We then got a local bus to rach gia were we stayed in a pleasant hotel near the ferry. We walked around town a bit, not too much to see, had a drink and watched the sunset over the water and had dinner at a little local place next to the river.
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