Charly's Travel Journal
Last stop in Oz-Sydney!Our bus arrived two hours early this morning so I was left in the middle of a the city at 4.30am with a big bag on my back and only the address of my hostel!I was not too impressed,but luckily we were dropped not far from the hostel(thank you friendly shopkeeper)and the reception was still open,so after lugging all my bags to the hostel and up a few floors,I got a bed and some sleep to make up for the lack of sleep on the coach.
Feeling a little more refreshed after my nap,I walked up to Darling Harbour and had a look around. With only 4 days I decided to get stuck into my 'to-do' list straight away and visited the Sydney Aquarium. True to its reputation it was very impressive.Its pretty cool standing underneath huge sharks and rays,or seals as they glide around you. As well as impressive,it was also very informative,so I now know what I ought to do should I get stung by a jellyfish...very useful,though lets hope I never need to know.
After the aquarium I walked up to the aboriginal centre and watched a free Didgeridoo show, where the guy made all sorts of native animal noises whilst playing normally aswell,and we each got a chance to try too-I think I may need a little more practice....
I also visited the Paddy markets,but after the Queen Victoria markets they weren't so impressive,then this evening I managed to get a place on a cocktail cruise from Darling harbour into Sydney Harbour,seeing all the sites at sunset-very very pretty!
Lots of love xxxxxxxx
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