This morning we went to visit a Pre-Inca cemetry in Nazca desert,where they still have some of the preserved mummies. It was a bit creepy some of it,but very interesting. The bodies for instan…
Today we set our pretty early for a tour of the Balesta island in Paracas,which is famous for its birds and sealife. We were all squeezed onto a pretty tiny boat (though we did have lifejacket…
Today we are in Pisco,yesterday we were actually in lima...we left lima at about midday,so we had a lie-in and a chance to prepare for the tour,getting any money changed etc. We also had a lit…
Our plane was delayed so we arrived in Lima at 3am with no hostel to stay in...luckily the shuttle company at the airport had some suggestions of nice places close to our hotel for the next ni…
oh and hi charly bye charly xxxxxxxx
What AMAZING experiences you're having! It's fantastic being able to follow your journey on this web-site. I hope all continues to go well. By the way, Hari will also be invited to the wedding - hope that will be possible (Sep 30th, 3 pm). If B or I get our act together we hope there will be a song for our four girls to sing - both working on a short passage from Song of Songs - expect B's will be better! Love to you both, Dad x
Gems :) of the fatty frohlichs ;)
heyyyyyy!!! gawgussss Charly - pie....!!!i thought i would send you loads a love nd cuddels on your travels....i bet your aving the time of your life, lucky girl!..... lookin hot in your pictures there!.....i am studing hard for these gay gcse's fun fun ....!! i dont know if you already know but dad got his new house (whoo i guess lol), nd i cant wait to see you when u get bk nd for the wedding
love you!
gems x.x.x.x
I'm going to newquay. forget all this "provisional" stuff. :P (it's also fun winding mum up).
so anyways, WHEN i go to newquay, i think we're catching the coach from heathrow, which i imagine is where we're picking u up from on the same day, so that might work out quite well.
love you. hope u got the photos i emailed you of my prom dress and my new hair colour. i've now also had my hair cut :)
byeeee xxxxxxxxxx
your mother!
Dewarest C
Just to say that A's trip is PROVISIONAL - if Mrs Cornall doesn't mind her missing rehearsals.....She'll also be missing Access Day and so will have to clear that as awell..........
Love you !!!!!!! My phon e lit up at abpout 3 this morning so I think you have my latest texts now, not that thye're very exciting!
Love you lots and lots and lots!!
miss you. half term is fun (apart from the revision obviously.) got lots of things to tellllll you. heheheeeeeeee :D by the way I'm going on holiday on 24th june...which is the day you get hopefully i'll get to see you before i go. otherwise you should drive down to newquay for the day between 24th and 1st july and visit us. we're staying in a... EUROTENT !! :D it has electricity and everything !!
love you bye xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Charly and Hari
Lucky you to be in Peru! I'm really envious - many happy memories of my trip there! (Including pisco sours and cebiche!) I didn't go sandboarding, but did go to Nazca. Are you going to Cuzco and Macchu Picchu? Amazing places.
I've really been enjoying all your bulletins and photos - looks and sounds as if you're having a wonderful time. I'm looking forward to seeing more photos of Peru as they appear - but perhaps internet cafes aren't so common there?
Best wishes
Hey charly. Wow you do have a thing for seafood. oh who am i kidding? i do too! but promise me you will have some hamster in peru. mmmm ;) best wishes for your hike.
Strawberry Yogurt
Hope you are having a GREAT TIME! We are about to have a Spice Girls party for the U6. Well, it is their theme for today so Dom burnt some songs onto a CD for me. We ahve got strawberries and grapes and amazing icecreams and chocolate flakes! Yummy!! Missing you........It is SOOOOOOOOO cold and wet here. It had better be better in Cornwall! Lalolal xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
just thought i'd point out it's been a while since my last postcard...
ALSO the weather here is rubbish :( and study leave is boring :( but exams are fun :)
i love you bye xxxxxxxxx