I am currently sitting in the bungee centre waiting to be picked up for my Nevis bungee jump....for those who dont know, it is the highest bungee in the Southern hemisphere at 134m (440ft). Quite a few people have done it so far and i have seen the DVDs so it looks amazing! They have a 100% safety record (so far!) apparently people havent even broken a nail since jumping there.
I have been for about 25 wee's in the past hour ...i wasnt even nervous until this morning! My friends have just turned up to check in...we all look so scared! There are 5 of us jumping at 12 o'clock- Me, Katie, Sarah, Sam and James. I have also booked in my skydive for Monday morning at 8.20-makes a change from the morning commute! apparently its going to be really overcast though so i mihgt not be as lucky as today-its nice and sunny here, the bloke behind the counter this morning said 'at least you can see the mountains etc around you so you dont have to look down'...great encouragement!
Anyway, so im in Queenstown now, have been here for 2 nights now and been out on the town on both of them. Ive hardly spent any money on going out though as there are so many happy hours, free offers etc so as my bus driver would say 'its all good in the hood'. Our bus driver in New Zealand has been crazy. Her name is Lauren and she is just nuts-quite nice though.
The people on the bus that im travelling with are really cool-mainly Irish or Swedish but we all get along. Well actually there are 4 Swedish girls that no-one rally likes. On the first day they fgot onto the bus and started slagging everyone off-not realising there were about 8 other Swedish people on board! Think they were a abit embarrased when they found out! They managed to spill all their food al over the place on the bus, and they alwys have to be wearing lip gloss and cant go anywhere without eachother-you know the type!
The scenery in NZ has been amazing. It is almost impossible to take a bad scenery photo here. Quite a few people have gone to Milford Sound today which is like a boat ride that takes you round beautiful scenery and you can see fish not going though because ive already done lots of boats, scenery and fish!
35 mins and counting until the bus leaves for my bungee!!
We have been lucky with the weather since we've been here as well, no rain really.
Oh i have to tell you about this because its really funny! Our first night in Queenstown we all went out and people got a little drunk. I got back to the room about 2, got into bed minding my own business, then i could hear someone mumbling in their sleep. I thought nothing off it but then realised the voice was foreign...we had no foreign peple in our room but again thought nothing of it. About 5 mins later the foreighn person was next to my bed shouting at me in Swedish (either very drunk or sleep talking!). She then pulled her pants down and tried to get into bed with me! I pushed her away and she fell over onto my bag. Her lager went all over my clothes! My own fault in a way i suppose! Anyway all the people in our room got annoyed with her so i went to get security. She was taken outside and given a warning, but as soon as the security guard left, the guy in the bunk above mine slid out of bed and smashed to the floor! He ran out to be sick, running past the security guard on the way. It was very funny and one of the girls in my room said 'now that is going in my diary entry!'
So since Christchurch I have just been travelling down the West Coast of the South Island. Nice scenery and photo opps, but also getting to know people etc. We stopped in Westport, Lake Mahinapua, Franz Josef, Wanaka and now Queenstown.
Wanaka was a quiet place, we only stayed one night. Went down to the bar but that was about it-i didnt even have asoft drink.
Yesterday we had a wander around Queenstown-quite queit here really, i think a lot of the action is out of town with all the activites. If your not relly into adrenalin stuff theres not much to do. Some people have gone back round to Christchurch already today.
Anyway! I will try and upload an album or two while im sat here-i have unlimited internet today so if i dont have time toupload now then ill do it when i get back in a few hours...wish me luck!! xx
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