Hello! This will just be a quick update on what ive been doing-i have to pay for the internet for a while now :-(
Anyway so im in Wellington at the moment, its very arty and modern compared to other places in NZ, they have galleries, people having lunch in the park, sculptures etc. I have just been for a wander round seeing as the other 4 people (yes there are only 5 of us here!) seem intent on doing things like going for a nap, playing cards or watching TV. I feel very old as they are all 19 or 20 and arent interesting in leaving the hostel unless alcohol is involved. Am looking forward to meeting the new people in a few days when i move on up to the East Coast.
I keep seeing my friend Sam everywhere. I said bye to her in Queenstown almost a week ago, but everywhere i go she seems to turn up! We went to an Irish bar together in Christchurch with these nice blokes we met (well not nice nice, but you know they were nice people!). I went to a firework display at New Brighton pier on the 2nd night, it was a really good display down on the beach, but then it all got out of hand, there were lots of gangs and drugged up people throwing fireworks under buses, into peoples gardens, into groups of people, so we decided to go down a closed road and managed to find a bus back to the centre. Pretty scary stuff though.
The day after i was picked up and taken to Kaikoura. There were about 8 or 10 of us at that point, 3 of us went Dolphin swimming there,. It was really amazing, my camera doesnt really do it justice-i got a video though which i will upload another time. We had to make stupid noises through our snorkels to attract the dolphins-we were literally in the sea swimming with the wild ones!
After that we got back to dry land and played some pool, and had a big group meal of Fajitas which was nice. We then just watched a movie. Well almost all of us-one of the guys (the young ones!) got very drunk on Whiskey and nearly got thrown out of the villa. I hadnt even spoken to him much at this point so i immediately thought he was a bit weird!
The next day we made our way up to the ferry at Picton. 5 of us went across to North Island and the rest went round to Nelson in the South island-was sad to see the others go, especially as they were half decent company!
So I am now in Wellington until 10th, then i go up to Taupo, im hoping to bump into my Australia travel buddy Katie soon, as she is up here somewhere-would be good to see a familiar face after 3 days with these boring young peolple haha!
I have just done boring stuff like washing last night-one of the guys is actually quikte useful, as he has discovered a way of operating the washing machines without money! Its a simple task of sticking cotton buds in the right places! So i got that for free!
Tomorrow i think we are all going to a museum-apparently its 4 floors and has an earthquake simulator or something in there...sounds pretty cool!
Well until next time...bye! x
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