This is ridiculous! I am in an internet cafe at the mo, its really cheap internet and now i know why! I have been sat here for exactly 30mins so far and have only just managed to get this page up! The whole point in me coming her was to upload pics to Facebook, and this site, but im not going to bother if it takes this long! in Taupo at the mo on the North Island, its nice here, quite a quiet town but they have really nice hot springs. The views from there are beautiful, the river flows out in front of them, people went down there with beers, there is a little house overlookin the lake, the waterfall there is boiling hot, and best of all it was free! Was a nice day yesterday when we went down there, not so nice today-cloudy!
I saw my friend Sam again last night, she is still following me! Also Katie was here last night, but i didnt go to find her until today and she'd gone...silly me!
I did a shop today for food, i am quite proud of the fact i only spent equivalant of 11quid and have fed myself quite well for a week or so (gives me time to get to my friends in Auckland!) I have told her to stock up on tea and biscuits!
Have also been to Wellington a couple of days ago-they have a polka dot town hall, pretty fountains, a bridge made out of scrap metal, a 4 floor museum with an earthquake simulator and a giant squid! (A squid ring from that would be the same size as a truck tyre, and its eye was as big as a basketball!)
I have met a few people on this leg of the journey, but we are on and off the bus at different times so its hard to stay with the same people all the way round. I made friends with 4 others in Wellington, but they were very into their drink and sleeping so they were quite boring! In fact they werent very nice sometimes.
Tghe weather in the North Island is slightly warmer, but today is quite cloudy.
In the South Island, the day before i got on the ferry i went Dolphin Swimming. We swam with Dusky Dolphins in the wild-none of them were in a cage or anything-we had to sing underwater to get their attention it was quite funny! That night we had a ,meal of fajitas-there were 8 of us that chipped in and ate together, although we still didnt have much each to eat. Notice im talking about food a missing being able to raid the cupboards at home!
The ferry across to the North Island was 3 hours long-it was like a moving hotle...was absolutely massive and we couold hardly tell it was moving! Had a tv room, a sleeping room, cafes etc.
Last night we had free pizza in the hostel..we thought it would be the odd slice of soggy pizza so we had dinner first...but no! It was a whole medium sized Domines pizza each!! Needless to say i managed the whole thing by myself evebn after a big bowl fo pasta! :-)
Tonight i had sausage and baked potato...yum! Although i smoked out the kitchen and now i can smell burning on my clothes...haha!
Tomorrow i go up to Rotorua and hopefully do a zorb...apparently to make it worthwhile you have to put water in with yoiu and do the zig zag course...might do that! The day after i go round the East Coast of the North Island, meeting Maori tribes (like the NZ version of aboriginals), watching the sunrise on horseback, and you can even go diving with sharks...think i will give that one a miss!
Have been told so much about Thailand recently from people that have been there-am excited to go now, there is so much i want to do there and its meant to be really cheap! I will be trhere next crazy is that to think that the last leg of my journey starts next week!
Anyway, best go-otherwise my hour will run out! Grrr! xxx
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