Hello! So i know my skydive photos arent amazing, but the guys wouldnt let me take pics past the reception area (obviously they want us to buy theirs) but at 100quid i thought id just take some myself! The jump was over the mountains and the lake, it was amazing scenery but was over so quickly!
The freefall was supposed to be abut 45 secs, but it felt like about 4. When i first jumped out there was a split second of fear, but then i just looked at the nice scenery on the way down. When the parachute went up, the guy shouted in my ear something about the scenery. It was very starnge because it was so quiet up there-especially after just falling so fast and being very windy! Wen the guy was talking to me though i could barely hear him-i realised that on the way down my ears had popped a lot, so i couldnt hear a thikng! Thats why it was so quiet!
The plabe journey up there took about 10mins, and was very pretty over the snow capped mountains and lake. There were 3 people before me, so i had to watch them all fall. The camera guy was actually hanging onto the outside of the plane for a few mins to watch everyone go-hes brave! Before we jumped i said to the guy 'my life is now in your hands!', and he replied with'well no, im just saving my own skin so you will be safe as well'...charming!
In fact my guy semed a bit miserable, felt like id disturbed his chat with his friend about going to the pub that night-good job i wasnt scared!
Luckily i had really nice weather-it was forecast to be poo weather, but as you can see from the pics there was hardly a cloud in the sky!
When i got back to town at about 11am, I had some lunch and met my friend Sarah. We decided to go for a scenic walk up Queenstown hill...little did we know that this 'hill' was at least a 45 degree angle all the way up (about an hours walk!) so needless to say we were pretty tired! The views were nice up there though!
We then hired a film to watch in the TV room in the hostel. we had to wait for someone elses film to finish first though-it was 3 hours long! Luckily it was near the end...well we waited about 35mins, but that gave me enough time to make popcorn. Which might i add i seem to be a pro at! Everyone who has made microwave popcorn in that microwave has burnt it...i didnt :-)
The other night Sarah and I went to the cinema to watch Couples Retreat-was actually quite funny, and the cinema was really old and small, was quite sweet really. It only had 3 screens and they were all only about 100 people.
In my last blog i forgot to tell you about the competition i lost (again) with my friend Adam. Basically in the hostel bar there was a competition to win something (i think it was a bungy or something) and you needed a man and a woman to compete. Adam and I created a team and started the 'horizontal bungy' game. Basicaly the bloke gets attached to a bungy cord around his waist and has to run to the other end of the bar and pick up a pint. He then has to run back to me without spilling it. I then had to down this horrible pint of cheap gassy lager in the quickest time possible and put the pint glass upside down on my hed. Needless to say it didnt go well. I had just had a massive dinner and a cople fo glasses of wine and i nearly threw up everywhere (well, no-one noticed, but i did!). In the end Adam grabbed it and finished it but we got disqualified for that. Adam spent the whole night apologising to me bless him. Not that we had any chance of winning! Our friends Sam and Mike had a go as well, although when Mike grabbed the pint he just kept running forward (not sure why) bt Sam was pretty much screaming at him to come back-it was very funny.
Anyway...i always seem to talk about nights out, but they are actaully quite cheap here what with all the vouchers etc we have. Oh and there have been some more drunken injuries...Mike fell out the top bunk the other night (a different guy to the one that fell out the bed above mine!) and now he has his foot in a cast and cant leave Queenstown until its fixed! Bless him, dont think it will take too long though which is good.
This afternoon I think a few of us are going to play Frisbee Golf in the park. They have special nets set up and a proper track to follow. A few of us are stil left in Queenstown now, quite a lot have left though, so we are going to play that tjis afternoon with the people who are still here, then i go off to Christchurch again tomorrow morning. That means that i have done full circle round the south Island now and can make my way up to the North Island. I still have quite a bit of time before i leave NZ though so i can still take my time.
Oh i phoned my relative in Queenstown yesterday-she seemed suprised to hear from me (obviously, seeign as she didnt even know i existed!) but she said if i had called earlier she could have met up with me, but she has to work now which is a shame. We exchanged numbers and emails though so hopefully keep in touch.
Its a lovely day here again, its really sunny with no clouds but its quite cold. I realised this after i went out in shorts and nearly froze! Went straight back in to put jeans on! I didnt sleep very well last night-people came in drunk at 3am and were very loud, then at about 6.30 all their alarms went off and they crashed about in the room getting ready to leave. Hope i get some sleep at some point, am getting tired :-(
Tongiht i am going to treat myself to a FergBurger for dinner. Its a small burger joint in town that does the most massive tasty burgers. Everyone is rving about them so i am going to grab one tonight as a treat for my last night in Queenstown.
Anyway, not sure when i will be able to write on here agin-depends where i end up in a few days.xxxx
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