Well since the last time i spoke to you I have landed in New Zealand and started my tour around NZ. Its one of those hop on and hop off buses, but im staying with this group of people for a few more days until i get to Queenstown-which is like the adventure capital of the South Island.
I landed in Chritchurch last week, its really pretty and a lot like England, but the weather was pooh and thre wasnt much to do. Katie and I went round some art galleries, museums, gardens and went along the river-basically we aged about 50 years in 3 days ! haha! Was nice though but im glad we left when we did. The hostel gave me free breakfast witht he vouchers ive got which was good. Ive got 10 more to use so thats 10 more breakfasts and free accomodation! Speaking of which... (Mum you will love this!!) I am helping to clean the hotel here for 2 hours in the morning in exchange for a free nights accomodation! It finishes at 11.30am so still gives me plenty of time to go walking round the town.
Franz Josef is famous for its glaciers, a lot of people are going hiking up there tomorrow, but im just going to take a trail for an hour or so up to a lookout point and just look at it from a safe distance! The hike they are doing costs about 150quid, and im not that bothered about it-would rather save my money for bungee, zorbing, and thngs i actually want to do!
Yesterday we were in a town called Westport, it was really old and quiet and small, but was nice for one night-apparenty thats the real new zealand! Last night we stayed at Lake Mahinupia (or something!). Some people went for a swim in it which was nice (photos when i have more time will be uploaded!) then we had a dress up party where the theme was 'anything but clothes' so basically we all fashioned items out of bin bags ans whatever accessories we could find in the dollar shop! I was a ninja-complete with black bin bags and a plastic sword. (and an AWESOME thing that stuck to the wall when you throw it!)
The pub/resort we were in was cool, the guy who owns it is 84 with a big beard, and he collects hats of every group that stays there, and also has polaroids ALL OVER the walls in the bar from every group in their dress up outfits, was really cool.
The people on my bus are nice-its weird because people come and go a lot, but im getting used to them now.
Oh dear...have less than 5 mins remaining so best wrap this up! Be in contact again soon!! xxxx
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