Well I have now done the 3rd highest bungee jump in the world! I was totally confident all the way through, i walked straght up to the edge, looked down, and threw myself off. The part when i thought 'what the hell am i doing' came the second after my feet left the platform. I realsied i was 440foot above the ground with only a bungy rope for protection. I would like to say that i scremed gracefully, but i made more of a sort of 'whoooop' sound....if you can imagine the noise your mum would make if she was on a small rollercoaster...thats the noise i made!
On the way back up i was shaking so much and almost crying with a combination of relief and pride...i couldnt stop smiling! The girl before me totally freaked out and was shaking, crying and saying she wasnt going to jump. Eventually her body just told her to go, but you could tell she regretted it as soon as she jumped-her bpdy just sort of curled up and she sort of hugged herself on the way down! She was still crying and shaking on the way up but i think she will be glad she did it.
Last night we all went out for Hallowe'en, the theme was Fluro/Neon so they called it Flurowe'en (arent they clever...) so everyone was dressed up in neon. They were giving out free neon body paint and glow sticks though so everyone was getting in the party spirit. The music was rubbish though, they like their drum and bass out here-my swiss friend said to me last night 'this is definitley music for drunk people' which i thought described it perfectly!
Today I have checked out of the hostel and moved to the one down the road (i have vouchers for free nights!), so i have dumped my bags there then me and Sarah (swiss friend) went for a very civilised walk through the wooded area and along the lake-its so pretty here. I am now back at the bungy centre because we have free internet here the whole time we are in Queenstown which is good. I need to book my bus out of here so i can actually get to Christchurch!
By the way, just so you can relate to who im talking about-this photo that is with this story is of Sarah, Me, Sam and James. Katie is taking the picture-she is the one who freaked out at the top, and James is the one who took the awesome pic of me in mid air!
My friend Katie from Australia called me today-she apparenty collased at a bar in the North Island and had to be taken out by an ambulance! She is OK though, she is going para sailing today! I want to do a Zorb on the North Island, as they are really cheap, other than that there are no more activities for me!
Anyway-i dont think i am doing anything fascinating for the next day or so, so i might come on here just to tell you all about my skydive. I do have a video of me bungy jumping, but it takes a very long complicated procedure to get the video uploaded, so i may have to wait until i get home next month. It is awesome though-you have to make sure you have the volume turned up so you can hear my 'scream' haha! xxxx
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