Hi gang!
Hope everythings cool on your side of the world!
We have left Kanchananburi and are currently on ur way to Chiang Mei, although we left at about 1pm today, its 9pm now & im waiting to catch a train tonight at 11.30pm, should get to Chaing Mei at about 12.30pm tomorrow so its been a bit of a marathon!
Of course to add to it Im also having some mad allergic reaction to my bug spray & the millions of cats that were crawling around my Kanchanaburi hostel, so im sneezing non stop, have watery eyes, im filthy, sweaty & knackered! cannot wait to shower & sleep!
Anyway Kanchanaburi was really nice.
On the fist day Julie suggested we hire a moped- I was massively reluctant as my passed experiences on mopeds in Turkey have not been pleasant to say the least (nudge nudge wink wink layla, nat & laura!!) Julie proved to be a wicked driver & we got to explore alot by ourselves s we avoided the uual tours which im not really keen on! I think I am probably the only peron in thailand to wear a helmet but I didnt mind looking like a knob, my life is more important!!
Next day we visited a Tiger temple & Erawan Waterfalls. Got so sit with tigers & get up close & personal! Im really annoyed with myself as I bottled the main pic as the tiger stood up abruptly & I completely pissed myself. Was with a really hot american guy Jameson (yes they do actually exist!!) & he stressed me out too by egging me on & poking me randomly when I was already jumpy! He got excellent pics which was even more annoying. This was after the waterfalls so I was completely famished anyway (read on... Sorry about my lack of structure, im falling asleep at the keyboard... much like at my old job!!)
On to the amazing 7 tiered Erawan Waterfalls. I was dead pleased that I managed to get to tier 7 after about 2 hours of trekking. I climbed up with a really nice english girl called Helen who I had met the day before at the hostel, we left at Julie at tier 4 as it was getting pretty trecherious. If I had known what was ahead I would have stopped too but just as they say ignorance really is bliss!! We were completely crapping ourselves, mainly wondering how the hell we were going to get down plus we were massively pushed for time as our mini bus was leaving at a certain time. But once we got to tier 5 it was like, we've come too far to go back!
We tightened our rucksacks, took off our flip flops, rolled up our skirt/shorts (as we had to trek through the actual water) & went for it! It was worth it though! Ive got good pics that I will put up when (if) I get to Chian Mei! Didnt get to swim in the pools though as we ran out of time, we were literally dripping with sweat & covered in mud & scratches when we got back (bit of a shame what with Jameson there, I think wimp only made it to 4!)
Mind you im suffering today though, everything hurts, especially my legs & arms & we've been on & off buses all day with our massive backpacks & 35 degree heat luckily the thais are lovely & we're getting a lot of help!
Another good thing about Kanchanaburi is all the lovely people we've met. I had planned to go to bed early every night as im sooo knackered but ive been staying up late chatting to people. Helen (a mentioned before) is one, she's a solo traveller, 26 cant remember where in England she' from. She's heading to oz too, so we've said we'll go on the piss in Sydney! Met 2 english guys Steve & Darren ( who I christened Dazzabells to remind me of my lovely crabbers Daz!) They were in the room next to us & we'd been chatting through the wall & eavesdropping on each others conversations for 2 days before we actually met! Steve, lives in Krabi ( & has writen in the 2007 edition of the Thailand Rough Guide which I was massively impressed wth!!)so will deffo be giving him a buzz when I get there, I think we may go Malaysia together, he needs to renew his visa & im going there on route to Singapore, he's a funny guy albeit slightly..... flirtatious shall we say!
So Kanchanaburi was pretty action packed! On to Chiang Mei! I promise to put pics next time for sure! Im kinda in transit at the mo s dont have time to get my lead/memory card out ect..
Anyway guys hope you all still remember me, I feel like ive been gone for ages... I think its been a week though so not that long (duh!)
Caz xxxx
ps. perdon a la flia/amigos k no hablan ingles! Cuando llegue a Chiang Mei ( en el norte) escribire un poco en espanol-pero mientrastanto seguro k algien puede traducir!! bueno me lo estoy pasando super bien, cansada pero bien y demomento ningun desastre!!! Ojala sigua asi! (por favor pasar noticias a la nona!!)
chaooo xxxxxxxxx
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