Cultural Stop 1: Marae in Mourea
Our next stop was something a little different. The stray bus tour prides itself on going further off the beaten track and showing you more about the culture and history of New Zealand. So out stop for the night was in a small village near rotorua called mourea. After a short drive we arrive at the Marae where were greeted by Naomi. The Marae refers to the whole area where the tribe live. So there was a dining hall, bathroom and shower block and the big greeting house where we could all be sleeping later on. But before we could enter into the Marae we all had to be welcomed and blessed.
Naomi took us across to the centre where we were asked to remember our dead ancestors. Next we were ushered into the big greeting house. But there a few rules: no shoes, no food or drink and women were first in! Then one of the tribesmen sang a mouri song and we all did the traditional mouri greeting. Shake hands and tap noses twice. The girls had to be careful as three times meant you were looking for a husband!
Once settled and shown our mattresses and sleeping bags for the night we all went to the dining hall to prepare for the cultural performance. The family including their gorgeous daughter daneka got dressed up in traditional costume and sang songs and showed us the traditional war games. For example the mouri would throw and catch sticks to practice hand and eye coordination.
Another game was with poi (balls on the end if elastic string). This was to make the wrists supple for battle. However that evening the girls were going to learn how to do the poi. It was good fun and we performed a routine for the boys. But then it was their turn... And you guessed it, they performed a Haka! And did very well indeed!!!
After all that we were in need of some dinner. And they did not let us down. After a few weeks living off pasta and noodles we were treated to a full on roast dinner, with gravy and stuffing!!! Plus dessert was gourmet chocolate... Mmmm! Needless to say we all stuffed our faces. Then we all did the dishes and got ready for bed and some stories. We were told about the mouri beliefs on the creation of the world and then we asked questions on mouri life today. It was really interesting to find out a bit more of the struggle they face and what they are trying to do. For example there are now many all mouri schools and universities.
But soon enough it was time for bed. A huge sleepover of 45 people all in one room. Ear plugs at the ready!
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