I'm only as far as 26th Jan!! You guys are gonna be getting a lot of emails soon about updates to this site! Yippee! So we spend a day and night in Wellington before we got our ferry to the South Island. I liked Wellington a lot. Weather was lovely, we visited the Botanic Gardens. Lots of lovely flowers, nice pleasant stroll around the gardens, really enjoyed it.
In the afternoon we visited the Parliment. There are 3 different Parliment Buildings, all from a different era so the architecture of each is completely different. Pity I don't have a fancy camera to capture all 3 in the one photo. Then we went inside and got a free tour of the Parliment (thanks to Aedin & Dom for telling me about that). You prob can't do that too many places around the World. It was very interesting and cool to go in and see the actual places that policitians do their debating.
Then to Te Papu museum, think it's NZ national museum. There is soooo much to see in this place. I didn't take pics really. But you could spend days in there. Again, very interesting and worth a visit for anyone going to Wellington.
I missed out on visiting a free Lord of the Rings museum thingy as it's too far out. I actually didn't realise they filmed a lot around Wellington. I should have done some Shire research before I left. The place is a bit outside and I would have to have tried to find the bus etc, I just wasn't organised. There are other places around NZ you can do tours but they are way expensive. But I have a day in Wellington again on Thursday so if I sort myself out I may get to meet Golum!
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