Next day onto Christchurch.We stopped in Geraldine on the way, pic especially for you Sull!!The town is in honour of you!We got to Christchurch early enough, if I can recall.I really liked it there, I think it´s my favourite NZ city.It´s got some lovely buildings and places to visit.First day we were there there was a market on so it was lovely to wander around that.We got pancakes, yum!Some lovely bits there and they have this indoor market, which I think is open every day and has some lovely artwork and carvings etc.Would love to take home loads of stuff but no space in the ole bag!After that it was a wander around the Botanical Gardens, then dinner and a few drinks that night for Amanda´s last night.It was fairly quiet that night in Christchurch, Monday night!But nice evening out.
Next day I went to visit the Antarctic Centre.I got the penguin express out there, it´s near the airport.It´s the international research base for the Antarctic and where the flights go from (for the scientists, not the tourists!)I loved the Antarctic Centre.Got to go in a room that simulated a storm, up to I think it was -18 degrees, my hands were numb when I came out!Then see the penguin feeding, awww, ye´ve seen the videos, I hope, they are so cute!Then some walking around getting some edumacation, then a movie.The movie was just scenery and music, no talking, it was a bit eerie and wonderful seeing the scenery and how extreme it is.Then I went in a genuine Antarctic Vehicle and you go around an obstacle course.It´s supposed to simulate what it would be like driving around there.It was rough, like a rollercoaster ride!Such fun!There is so much to read about at the centre, I just didn´t have time, would loved longer there but was happy with what I got to see, highly recommend it!
In the afternoon, I joined Karen& Amanda for lunch, then myself and Karen went for a tour of the Cathedral, very nice, interesting tour.Then I went for a wander around the art gallery, some weird stuff there!Then it was goodbye to Amanda, she was leaving us there.She was with us for most of the South Island trip so we were a bit sad to say goodbye.
That night, we were supposed to go to the outdoor cinema.I have always wanted to got to one and NZ obviously has better weather than Cork for it.And we did go, and we found the right place but it wasn´t on…there was no sign to say it wasn´t on so we walked around for about an hour and a half cos we thought we were in the wrong place L , only to end up back where we started to find out that was the right place all along. OMG, we were starving and tired from all the walking and cursing the place for not putting a sign.Arrgghh.
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