10 minute walk to Trogir.
I sat and had lasagne and watched the passing parade right on the waterfront.
Laughed with the waiter and 3 ladies from London at the next table.
Then I set of to walk alongside the water.
Another spectacular waterside boulevard.
Wide paved boardwalk shaded by enormous palms.
Then ...
There's a castle at the end of this walk!
A real honest to goodness castle.
With a huge round castle thingy ...
Gotta climb that.
It was fascinating.
Bit of a hard climb but the view was amazing.
Down the boardwalk and across the island.
Magnificent view.
People took photos for me up here.
Tried to give an idea of how special it was.
Bit of a scary climb down the steps into the open square of the castle.
Those walls are enormous.
Couldn't help looking back at it ...
Amazing ... just sitting right on the water.
Walked some of the streets.
Checked out a religious museum.
Then the Cathedral.
( Another church, Emily.)
They had articles on display from the 13th century!
Just quietly placed in a small back room.
Silver, statues, costumes ...
It is absolutely mind blowing.
Once out the front doors of the Cathedral and under the huge portico, there were steps to the Bell Tower.
I had to do that, didn't I?
Though there was a sign saying ...
'Absolutely no bell ringing allowed'
Just once wouldn't hurt, would it?
Alright ...
Great climb.
Magnificent views.
Though there was a enormous hole ( intentional )
in the centre of the floor.
It was covered with a wire grate but it still made you walk closer to the walls.
Back down and then walked over the bridge off the island of 'old' Trogir.
Stopped at a small supermarket go a few bottles of water.
Back to my hotel.
We are meeting at 6.15pm in the bar for a meet and greet.
Then onto a restaurant for dinner.
When I arrived here, I was met by Sibila, the tour director for our trip.
And was also able to get into my room straight away.
There are 28 people on the tour.
Six ladies travelling alone.
Bit of a mix up with transport to Trogir.
I went to reception to confirm the ride yesterday.
They couldn't find a booking and said it was just as well I checked.
They would book it for me for 11am to Trogir.
So I am in my room at 10am today and they ring to say my car is there.
Much discussion ... Explained yesterday etc.
They found the booking that you had organised, Amanda with no trouble.
It was for 10am.
They couldn't seem to find it yesterday.
Different girl on the desk then.
I did wonder what she had organised yesterday but I was ready so off we went.
I arrived at Trogir Palace Hotel and they told me that it was very strange that a car had arrived there this morning to pick me up and take me to Split.
It was like my life but in reverse!
I was fine.
I knew what I was doing and it was all organised.
Had a bit of a grin about it all.
I had better get ready for the meet up.
It's 10.30pm now.
Back from our dinner.
It was a lovely night.
We walked into Trogir and sat at a wonderful outdoor restaurant right in the heart of the old town.
I sat with Jan and John from Mt Eliza.
They were wonderful company.
Also Keryn who was worried that she'd left milk in her fridge at home!
We convinced her to worry about that later.
Wonderful food.
And as the night wore on, Sibilia realised we could make our own way home so she left us with it.
There was a lot of moving around as we shifted to talk to other people.
A great night and absolutely perfect weather.
We are off at 8am tomorrow to the wonderful 'necklaces'
So will probably only be able to blog at night now.
Forecast not good.
Thunder and lightening tonight.
Still warm though.
Rain expected tomorrow.
Wearing my bathers anyway.
Gotta be prepared.
Nigh nigh xxx
- comments
Andrew Browning !!!!!!! Trogir Trogir Trogir !!!!!!! Hello, its lunch time Friday 10th and time for a quick read as I’m not home tonight (hate to miss anything)Been thinking about you and wondering what you’ve been up too……………very cold here today and rain & hail forecast for tomorrow.Might sort my holiday photos and pretend I’m with you. I can see how good the weather is where you are …………….fantastic!Brilliant Castle isn’t it, just makes you want to climb all over it and explore it’s fascinating history. Haha another Bell Tower………..yep you have to climb it……Step, step, step……I’m with you, I’d love to ring the bells in a bell tower!! Good you have meet your fellow travellers, 28 of them, I expect names…..all 28. Ooops, something got lost in the translation with the transport, but you made it and all is well…….and you got into your hotel room earlier. Hope dinner was exciting and people nice, I’m sure they are, lots of company now and everything is organized. Enjoy the necklaces, they look incredible, can’t wait to hear all about them. Hey, thunder & lightening………….you have a BALCONY to enjoy the show!Doesn’t matter if there is rain, take an umbrella, bathers and enthusiasm with you - that way you will be prepared for anything. Keep having fun, love the blog. Andrew Xx
Andrew Browning Delightful & calm.
Andrew Browning I want one!!!!!!
Amanda Phillips Great photo :)
Amanda Phillips I hope this grate is fixed well!
Amanda Phillips More beautiful archways, magnificent!
Amanda Phillips Hi Carolyn,Great first day in Trogir, lots of stair climbing :)You can definitely indulge in more chocolates without feeling guilty.I am glad you were on top of your transfer. Split was calling you back before you even arrived in Trogir!!That's great there are 6 other single ladies on your tour.I can hear the laughter already!Cheers Amanda
Chris C Amazing !!!!!!!!