After not getting in until 8 am, we slept until late afternoon which was actually really nice! Masa was leaving us today which had dampened the mood in our little group but we wanted to make the most of our last few hours together. We went back to the Mexican restaurant Lindsey had shown us as we had really enjoyed the food, and good food was far and few between here for me! We walked Masa back to the hostel, helped her with her stuff into the back of the taxi and had our last group hug! Lindsey and Sam had come to join us to say goodbye. I suddenly felt really sad, I hardly knew Masa before the trip but I felt like we had become really good friends whilst travelling and I was going to miss her, she always made us laugh!
That evening, the hostel held a farewell BBQ as most people who had stayed for the duration of Full Moon were leaving the next day. When booking the hostel, you had to stay for a minimum of 5 nights around the Full Moon period so that was coming to an end for us all. The BBQ was good, but everyone seemed really quiet in comparison to the last few nights. I think that was a mixture of still being hungover and tired from Full Moon but also sad to see their new friends leave. We chatted to some of the guys in our room and discussed where we were all off to next. It turned out that a group of the boys were going to the same places I was when Sarah and I go are separate ways. This was awesome as it meant I would know people already when I arrive on a new island. We didn't fancy another night of drinking so we decided to have an early night, watched a film and caught up with our beauty sleep.
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