We woke up in the cold miserable rain...I'm already missing the sunshine! It turns out Sydney had a massive storm which we were just on the outskirts of, it was bad enough though. We quickly got ready and hit the road, only an hour until Sydney! I felt really exhausted from all that travelling yesterday and not a great nights sleep but just had to get on with it, it's not everyday your in Sydney! First we drove to Bondi beach, the waves were just huge, maybe 10 foot high and really powerful! I really wanted to get in but it was way too cold. We went for breakfast in a little place called Gusto just off the front. Bondi is nice but very much like a seaside beach back in England, not like the other beaches we've been to here which are very much surf orientated! After that we drove to drop Paul off, such a sad moment! Luckily we didn't get charged for any damage as there were a few cracks and scraps, but we got away with it! We got a taxi to the hostel we're staying at, Railway Square YHA. It's amazing! Everyone here looks like they've had a shower in the last 24 hours which is always a bonus! We then walked into Sydney centre, Sarah bought a Tiffany's necklace and then we headed to Starbucks. I found wifi in a department store called David Jones, and with that Hess facetimed me! It was great to speak to her even though it was only for a few minutes! After, we walked to the Sydney Opera House. We got some amazing photos of the Opera house, Sydney Bridge and the City. We then had a bottle of Prosecco between us in the Opera Bar. We started to feel very tipsy so thought it might be best we get some food. There was a night noodle market on in Hyde Park and I had chicken pad Thai with rice. I'm not a massive fan of curries but it was quite nice! We then walked back to the hostel to just chill in the common area. We got chatting to a few other travellers, everyone's so chatty here. I love it!
- comments
Leanne It all sounds amazing! Enjoy your last few days in Oz xx