Today we enjoyed some sunshine and rest on Uncle David’s farm. And yes, it is a gorgeous and very quiet spot. 1200 acres, I’m told.
The first highlight of the day was an exploration of the cattle yard, with its many pens and gates, the ramp and the piece de resistance, the cattle crush. We must have spent the best part of an hour working the levers and pretending to be, in turns, the sick cow, the vet and the farmer.
Next we went for a ute ride through the farm, standing or sitting in the back while Poppy drove us around. Even though he drove sedately, it was still Max’s favourite part of the day.
A reasonable quantity of Avian wildlife was on show, including Scaly-breasted Lorikeets and King-Parrots. I got a glimpse of an unfamiliar Rosella which was possibly a Pale-headed, which would be a lifer if that's what it was. Also found a couple of cute Blue-faced Honeyeater chicks huddled together on a limb being regularly fed by their hard-working parents, so I hope at least one of my photos of them turned out okay.
We are planning to drive towards Roma tomorrow, but Grandma has a crook back, so that plan may have to change ...
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