On Friday morning Angus, Lauren, Rebecca and I made our way to Green Market Square to do a bit of souvenir (or curio as they call it here) shopping. Most of the stalls were item-for-item identical to another stall or ten in the market. Rebecca was a bit overwhelmed by the harassing way that they try and sell things to you, but she bravely fought through it and even managed to bargain the one guy down in price. That's my girl!
We then went to see a statue that words can't describe, but the following sequence of punctuation is a good attempt: ??!!???!????! Please see the photos - you'll know which one where talking about.
After poking our eyes out, we went for a lovely walk through the company gardens and saw some cute squirrels and tons of pigeons, with a girl in the thick of them counting how many she could get to land on her at once. Yucky!
Lunch was fish and chips in Hout Bay, but the fierce wind prevented us from having a stroll on the beach afterwards or taking photos.
In the afternoon we went to Groot Constantia for high tea. It's an old wine farm that has a museum, a restaurant and a wine tasting bar on it as well as some houses. We tried to walk off our lunch before having tea, but failed, so we went wine tasting instead. They gave us pretty reasonable samples and after two reds, two whites and a port we considered the job done.
Later that night we played two more games of Catan which Gus won. I guess we'll have to refine our skillz before a rematch on home ground . . .
- Brett
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